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               Stage 3 - Self Realization
                       As  the  individual  becomes  aware  of  his  behavior,  he  is  guided  on  how  to
               understand  himself  by  bringing  into  his  consciousness  the  things  in  the  past  and
               other  realities  that  have  directly  or  indirectly  conditioned  his  present  behavior  or
               maladjustment. Among these are the distorted beliefs and values that he may have
               internalized. He is also made to realize how his behavior has hampered his growth
               and development as well as his happiness.

               Stage 4 – Decision to change
                       With  self-realization  the  individual  makes  a  decision  to  change.  If  one  is
               determined to grow as a person, he has to decide to change.

               Stage 5- Actualizing the change
                       In his decision to grow and develop, the individual now puts into action the
               necessary  changes  in  his  life  including  a  change  in  attitude,  re-  alignment  of  his
               value system and behavioral change.


                       An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people
               that may range from fleeting to enduring. This association may be based on love and
               liking,  regular  business  interactions,  or  some  other  type  of  social  commitment.
               Interpersonal relationships take place in a great variety of contexts, such as family,
               friends, marriage, associates, work, clubs, neighborhoods, and churches. They may
               be  regulated  by  law,  custom,  or  mutual  agreement,  and  are  the  basis  of  social
               groups and society as a whole. Although humans are fundamentally social creatures,
               interpersonal  relationships  are  not  always  healthy.  Examples  of  unhealthy
               relationships include abusive relationships and codependence.

                     A relationship is normally viewed as a connection between two individuals, such
               as a romantic or intimate relationship, or a parent-child relationship. Individuals can
               also have relationships with groups of people, such as the relation between a pastor
               and his congregation, an uncle and a family, or a mayor and a town.

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 110
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     of 115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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