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                                       COMMON COMPETENCIES 80 HOURS
                   Units of
                  Competency          Module Title               Learning Outcomes                 Duratio
             1.  Apply quality     1.1 Applying          1.1.1  Assess quality or received
                 standards             quality                 materials                           8 hours
                                       standards         1.1.2  Assess own work
                                                         1.1.3  Engage in quality improvement
             2.  Perform           2.1 Performing        2.1.1  Plan and prepare for tasks to be
                 computer              computer                taken/undertaken
                 operations            operations        2.1.2  Input data into computer
                                                         2.1.3  Assess information using
                                                         2.1.4  Produce output/data using          16 hours
                                                               computer system
                                                         2.1.5  Use basic functions of a web
                                                               browser to locate information
                                                         2.1.6  Maintain computer equipment and
             3.  Perform           3.1 Perforning        3.1.1  Select measuring instruments
                 mensuration           mensuration       3.1.2  Carry out measurement and
                 and calculation       and calculation         calculation                         8 hours
                                                         3.1.3  Maintain measuring instruments

             4.  Prepare and       4.1 Preparing and     4.1.1  Identify different kinds of technical
                 interpret             interpreting            drawings
                 technical             technical         4.1.2  Interpret technical drawing        8 hours
                 drawings              drawings          4.1.3  Prepare/make changes on
                                                               electrical/electronic schematic
                                                               and drawings
             5.  Use hand tools  5.1 Using hand          5.1.1  Plan and prepare for task to be
                                       tools                   undertaken
                                                         5.1.2  Prepare hand tools
                                                         5.1.3  Use appropriate hand tools and     8 hours
                                                         5.1.4  Maintain hand tools
             6.  Terminate and     6.1 Terminating       6.1.1  Plan and prepare for termination/
                 connect               and                     connection of electrical
                 electrical wiring     connecting              wiring/electronic circuits
                 and electronics       electrical        6.1.2  Terminate/connect                  8 hours
                 circuit               wiring and              wiring/electronic circuits
                                       electronics       6.1.3  Test termination/connections of
                                                               electrical wiring and electronics
                                       circuit                 circuits
             7.  Test electronic    7.1 Testing          7.1.1 Determine criteria for testing
                 components            electronic              electronics components
                                       components        7.1.2 Plan an approach for                24 hours
                                                                  component testing
                                                         7.1.3 Test components
                                                         7.1.4 Evaluate the testing process

                                                             Date Developed:
                          SECTOR         ELECTRONICS                             Document No.
                                                               May 04, 2020
              RTC                                                                Issued by:
          ZAMBOANGA       QUALIFI-         COMPUTER          Developed By:                         Page 6 of
               City       CATION             SYSTEM           Mario Elmer B.     Revision #___     115
                                        SERVICING NC II             Tolo
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