Page 35 - Dockside Magazine Muskoka, Summer/Fall 2018
P. 35

 Crib beginnings
Classic docks are the start A of a dream waterfront
quality-built crib “Your crib dock is just still in wonderful condition dock is the foundation the beginning,” he says. after 30 or more years.”
for a fabulous “Whether doing it all
Even after years of service, repairs are often just a matter of replacing a couple of timbers at the waterline. “You can usually quickly jack it up and fix the issue,” says Ryan. “There is not a lot of material or man-hours involved, making it a sound choice financially.” The timbers at the bottom of the crib will last much longer, since wood lasts for many decades in the cold, oxygen-poor environment at the lake bottom.
A licensed carpenter for almost 15 years, Ryan has had his own contracting company for 10 of those.
There are many elements
to consider when deciding
to install a dock – and subsequent waterfront structures. Water depth, length of the dock, shoreline
bylaws, decking material and more should be part of the planning process. It’s also worth considering how many boats will be docking at your property on a regular basis.
R Cool Construction helps their clients make these decisions with sound advice based on years of experience and up-to-date knowledge of ever changing shoreline rules in Muskoka.
“We can find solutions if an obstacle arises,” says Ryan. “Each municipality has its own bylaws regarding the shoreline. Knowing how
to properly navigate these bylaws is vital to building quality structures.” DS
shoreline at the cottage.
Crib docks are one of the earliest forms of docks. They continue to be popular throughout Muskoka, and with good reason. They come with a low up-front cost, leaving room in the budget for the other items on the list. Floating docks, boathouses, finger docks and even gazebos or pergolas can be added once the platform is there, says Ryan Cool of R Cool Construction.
at once or adding to the shoreline over time, there is tremendous opportunity to create your dream waterfront. It’s a classic way to enjoy Muskoka.”
Crib docks require some maintenance to keep them in good shape, but if the cribs have been built by trained, experience and certified professionals they can stand the test of time and the elements.
“Crib docks are tried and true,” he says. “A quality crib dock will last you 20 to 25
years on average and I’ve seen a few which are
A crib foundation is a rectangle of heavyweight timbers, connected at the corners with steel rods. The first layer of timbers sits on the lake bed, with additional layers added
up to the surface. The entire structure is then filled with rock for strength.
“The biggest structural benefit of crib docks is they will muffle wave action,” says Ryan. “A slip between cribs stays quite calm on windy days.”
Ryan Cool, Owner
of R Cool Construction
                          705-706-4909 •

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