Page 54 - Dockside Magazine Muskoka, Summer/Fall 2018
P. 54

items. For over 20 years, John and Trevor have provided high-end products to their fellow Muskoka cottagers.
As a long-time cottager himself, Trevor understands the importance of long- lasting, aesthetically pleasing products.
“We carefully source the highest quality items to provide our customers
fun and relaxation,” says Trevor. “They are perfect for cottagers who are tired of replacing their outdoor furniture and umbrellas year after year.”
Teak up your cottage
Muskoka Teak imports the highest quality teak furniture and cottage accessories
from Indonesia, which are made according to John
and Trevor’s specifications. The most durable outdoor wood on the market, teak
is well-suited to Muskoka’s environment as it naturally repels water, is resistant to fungus and is unappealing to wood-boring insects. It also weathers beautifully – not
requiring treatment – and will develop an amazing silver tone.
Muskoka Teak’s products include Newport loungers, Rosseau teak and wicker sectionals, tables, benches and the Muskoka Chair
2.0 – a specially design Rosseau chair. The webbed chair sits higher than a standard Muskoka chair, making it appealing to more individuals. It doesn’t require a cushion but has the same comfort of sitting on one.
“It will last forever,” says John. “You can leave teak outside in all four-seasons and it will stay strong.”
While the furniture is wonderful, the most iconic symbol of Muskoka Teak is the teak moose which stands proudly outside of the Port Carling storefront. Referred to as “cottage jewellery”
by Trevor, the moose and other teak animals based on indigenous Canadian wildlife – deer, beavers, wolves
and bears – are wonderful accessories for your property.
Quality outdoor furniture means less waste
Buying high-quality outdoor furniture for your cottage
means as much to Muskoka’s environment as it does to your luxury.
Every year cottagers toss out cheaply-made chairs, tables and even umbrellas, some of which were purchased only a year or two before. Low-quality wood – which should have been stained or painted every year – thin fabric that’s torn in the wind, and cheap plastic that cracks in no time all end up piled high in landfills.
Some have even found
their way into the lakes,
as with one cottager who called Muskoka Teak’s John Philbrick. For that cottager, the loss led him to ask the logical question: why do you want to replace outdoor furniture and umbrellas every few years?
Aside from the money
spent, think about the inconvenience of constantly having to replace items when you should be enjoying time with family and friends. Selecting strong, durable
and beautiful furniture and umbrellas is quite sensible.
“It’s time to give the landfills – and your wallet – a break,” says John, who owns Muskoka Teak with brother Trevor. “Spending a little more up front on top quality products saves you time, money and stress in the long run.”
Muskoka Teak isn’t just a place to buy items made with the hardwood: they also feature top-of-the-line umbrellas, outdoor games tables, and other quality
    Trevor Philbrick showcasing the strength of a Tuuci umbrella.

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