Page 34 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 34

Part 1: The Appointed Times

                        On a lighter note, anointing also seemed to be a normal part of general hygiene and
                 people’s daily routine, as they probably anointed themselves with oil to groom their hair or to
                 give a glow to their skin.  Naomi advised Ruth to wash and anoint herself and put on her best
                 clothes  so she could attend a harvest celebration and meet the man of her dreams.   Jesus told
                 the people to anoint their heads and wash their faces so they would look acceptable and no one
                 would suspect that they were fasting. 20
                        In a sense, all of these people and items were anointed ones, but there is an exceedingly
                 special individual whom we will refer to as the Anointed One or the Messiah. There is only one
                 person who can claim this title.  Even the greatest kings of Israel, although they were anointed
                 ones, were not the Anointed One; they were not the Messiah.
                        The concept of the Messiah was introduced through a somewhat mysterious statement
                 near the outset of the Scriptures.  As part of the curse on the serpent in Genesis 3:15, the Lord

                                       “I will put enmity between you and the woman,
                                        and between your offspring and her offspring;
                                 he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (ESV)

                        The  words  of  the  curse are mysterious  indeed,  and  their  meaning  runs  much  deeper
                 than the idea of women disliking snakes.  In the book of Revelation, the serpent is identified
                 as the devil and Satan,  who deceives the whole world.  As Eve listened to the voice of the
                 serpent, she was actually deliberating with Satan himself.  But as we explore these words of
                 God, we must ask, “Who is the offspring of the woman who will strike the serpent—Satan—
                 with a deathblow, despite the serpent striking him with a temporal wound?”  As history unfolds
                 throughout the Bible, it becomes evident that the offspring of the woman is the Messiah himself.

                 Progressive Revelation

                        God  designed  the  Scriptures  in  a  curious  way.  Key  themes  are  sometimes  introduced
                 in  brief  and  somewhat  cryptic  statements.    But  as  the  Spirit  of  God  developed  the  themes
                 through  subsequent  authors,  He  provided  additional  information  and  insights  that  increase

                 18 Ruth 3:3
                 19 Okay—I  took  a  little  liberty  with  Naomi’s  description  of  Boaz—maybe  she  did  not  refer  to  him  as  the  man  of  her  dreams.
                 Nonetheless, it was truly a match made in heaven!
                 20 Matthew 6:17
                 21 Revelation 12:9 - “And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the
                 whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
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