Page 33 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 33

Chapter 1: The Messiah

                                            We have found the Messiah...

                        What do we mean by “Messiah?”  What does the word mean?  Messiah is a Hebrew
                 word  that  simply  means  anointed one,  referring  to  someone  who  was  anointed  with  oil  by
                 pouring  it  over  the  head   to  signify  that  this  person  was  appointed  to  a  specific  purpose  or
                 office.  There were many messiahs in the Bible.  In the history of Israel, priests and kings were
                 anointed with oil to signify that they were in an official role for God—they were messiahs in a
                 technical sense.

                        Just  for  the  record,  priests  and  kings  were  not  the  only  objects  of  anointing.    In  the
                 tabernacle, the altar, the tent of meeting, and the Ark of the Covenant were anointed, along
                 with its various furnishings and utensils.   It is interesting that anointing in the religious realm
                 was not normally done with simple olive oil.  The oil that was used for anointing priests and
                 items of worship was a special formulation given to Moses from the Lord, a perfumed mixture of
                 fine spices combined with olive oil.  This anointing oil was sacred and, under the penalty of being
                 cut off   from Israel, was never to be compounded or used for any other purpose than those
                 which were designated by the Lord. 17

                 13 Leviticus 8:12, 1 Samuel 10:1, 2 Kings 9:3, Psalm 133:2
                 14 Exodus 29:36, 30:26, 40:9–11
                 15 Exodus 30:22–25
                 16 Cut Off (Hebrew: Kareth) “means not necessarily physical dissolution but extinction of the soul and its denial of a share in the
                 world to come.” – (Ehrman 1965) Volume 1
                 17 Exodus 30:33 – “Whoever shall mix [any] like it or whoever puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his people.”
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