Page 150 - Ancestral - The Secrets of Vinegar
P. 150

Cracked Heels
Les du Les du SecretsVINAIGRE VINAIGRE VINAIGRE Avoid using soap and wash affected areas with with with with with with water mixed with with with a a a a a a a a a little apple cider vinegar instead After cleansing apply a a a a a a a mixture of equal parts glycerin cider vinegar and burdock Use daily until skin has fully healed The mixture will keep for two to three days Skin Irritations
Apple cider vinegar helps soothe itchy irritated skin Combine 1 tablespoon cornstarch with 1 tablespoon cider vinegar to to make a a a a a a a paste Apply to to the affected area Use cider vinegar to help ease the discomfort of pruritis hives eczema psoriasis and other skin irritations It also makes an an an excellent disinfectant antiseptic and and antibacterial agent Vinegar and and water is is often used to treat infections of the ears and face Superficial Wounds and Burns
A 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water makes a a a a a a good disinfectant Combine one one one part part part cider vinegar with one one one part part part decoction of burdock root and one one one part part part sweet almond oil Emulsify then dab affected areas with gauze soaked in the the preparation Let it dry and repeat four times a a a a a a day Hiccups
Suck on a a a a a sugar cube soaked in in apple cider vinegar to cure hiccups!
Insomnia and Nervousness
Cider vinegar helps with daily stress by promoting relaxation and sleep Add 1 1⁄2 1⁄2 cups
of cider vinegar to bath water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes To promote relaxation before going to to sleep mix 1 to to 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar into a a a a a a a glass of warm water along with a a a a a a a little honey and drink 150 

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