Page 21 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 21
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Phone: 519-728-4624
Canadian? "A proud community
in the heart of Lakeshore
on southern Lake St. Clair"
Many double’s we Belle River "On the Lake" has over 120 unique businesses to serve you
fun all felt bet- only a short walk from the Belle River Marina and Lakeview Park. The
events ter. We de- friendly merchants in our town offer you a great variety of shops, salons,
are cided to go restaurants, and professional services in a very clean & safe environment.
spon- back to the
sored room, good 16tFheAstinvnaluJaullySu15n,s1p6l, a17sh
by the thing, oth-
Canadian marinas and cities dur- erwise we’d be staying Lakeview Park and Uptown Belle River
ing the summer around Lake St. at the Queen’s Motel.
Clair and the St. Clair River. The We bought some homo ≈ Classic Car Show & Cruise
Canadian's are great hosts and milk & brown bread for ≈ IJSB National Watercross Race
speaking as an American, it’s the morning…but, still ≈ Beach Volleyball Tournament
our chance to take advantage of had to stop at the Lick- ≈ Carnival / Live Entertainment
the different culture and foods… Bo to get a night cap for ≈ Parade & Children's Events
keeping in mind that ordering a the room, which was ≈ Great food all weekend! Visit us
“domestic” beer does not mean a a 2,4 Uh Blue. Good by land
Bud or Miller, but a Blue. thing there wasn’t a or lake!
Living so close to Canada, ballet close, some of the
I’m sure we all use some Cana- group may have been
dian English. To remind us in the up all night….eh? Pelee Flyer Spotted
“States” of some of the Canadian
differences, I wrote this short sto- Laker = Freighter On a trip down the Detroit River
ry. See how Canadian you really Have a Boo = Have a look or we spotted this very unusual
are! Or, do the reverse if you are take a peek boat. I found out this was
Canadian to speak like an Ameri- The Leafs in Tronno = Toronto one of two hydrofoils (named
can...... Maple Leafs Pelee Flyer 1 and 2) which ran
With oat a doat = Without a doubt passengers from Leamington
My friends and I went across Oil Cloths = Rain gear & Kingsville, Ontario on Lake
the River over to Canada for the Lord Stanley’s Mug = The Stanley
night. On the way, we saw a re- Cup Erie, over to Pelee Island in the
ally big laker. Once arriving, we Toonies = $2 Canadian Coins 1990’s. This Russian built boat
decided to have a boo at the ho- Suitcase = Case of 24 beer is 23.25m (about 76’) long, and
tel rooms before taking off. Af- Snokked = Intoxicated
ter unpacking, we put on our oil Hydro = Electricity could carry 66 passengers at
cloths and headed to a nearby pub Skull Cramp = Headache 30 knots, making the crossing in
to watch The Leafs in Tronno. Seein’ the Governor = Drinking 22 minutes versus 1.5 hours on
With oat a doat, we were sure the Rum
Wings would win Lord Stanley’s Timmy Ho’s = Tim Hortons the ferry. The hydrofoils have
Mug this year. After spending Rotten Ronnie’s = McDonalds since been replaced by much
many toonies buying a suitcase, Double-doubles = Coffee with larger ships, and longer rides.
some of us were getting a little double cream and double sugar
snokked. The storm got worse and Queen’s Motel = Jail!
the hydro went out causing us to Homo Milk = Whole Milk
have to walk down the road. Ev- Brown Bread = Wheat Bread
eryone was getting hungry, and I Lick-Bo = LCBO/Liquor Control
had a skull cramp after seein’ the Board of Ontario…beer store
governor. We decided to eat at 2,4 Uh Blue = Case of Labatts
Timmy Ho’s. My friends wanted Ballet = Exotic Dance Club
to go to Rotten Ronnie’s, but this
was closer. After having double- eh? = You know?