Page 24 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 24

E very boat has a DA NGE R ZONE
from straight in front to past the
middle of its right. It’s like meet-
ing a car at an intersection, the
one on the RIGHT has priority.
You must Y IELD to boats in y our

Knowing the right of way can cer-
tainly saves lives. There are sev-
eral rules of the water, and any-
                                      If the winter starts out fairly normal,         move way out to the deeper waters).
one driving a boat should take a the ice in Fair Haven, Bouvier Bay, begins to                   100’s of snowmobiles, motor-
safety class. Boater education is freeze in December. By Christmas, the ice
available through your local sher- fishermen are out in fu ll fo rce. A lot of fish-  cycles, 3&4 wheelers come out and start
iff's department, the Coast Guard ing goes on at Bouvier Bridge Marina for            racing. It is very organized, but every-
Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadron, perch, pike, and panfish.                             one is welco me to participate or to just
local boat dealers and others. To     If the weather remains consistent, by           watch, you can even volunteer to be the
locate a boating safety class in the end of January the ice is so thick that there    starter if you dare.
your area, visit the DNR Web site are 100’s of pick up trucks and cars on the ice
at www.mic higan. gov/ dnr and parked in rows like you’re at the shopping                        When the sun is out, and the
click on the Recreational Safety mall. That’s when the real fun begins for the        wind is low, it’s actually pretty warm
Classes link.                         non-fishermen (and that’s when the fishermen    walking around out there. Still, bring a
                                                                                      scarf, any wind that does blow is icy
                                                                                      cold on your face!

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