Page 20 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
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Complete Marine Repair & Did Y o u K n o w th a t…Air conditioning was in-
Installation Services vented by Willis Carrier to help a Brooklyn, New
York, printer get decent color during hot, humid
Factory Trained & Certified Technicians weather. Air conditioning wasn’t used for cool-
Gas & Diesel Engine Re-Power Specialists ing people until 1924 when it made it’s debut at
the J.L. Hudson Department Store
•Mercruiser • Bombardier • OMC • Volvo• in Detroit. In those days who would
•Crusader • Generators • Stabilizers• have thought that people would
•Bow/Stern Thrusters• now have
•Marine Electronics Installation• A/C on
Insuranc e Specialists-Underwater/ Impact Damage boat...
- Props - Shafts - Stern Drive s -
Is the sky really blue?
• Gas & Diesel • Oil Changes • Pumpouts •
• Free Coffee•Bait•Party Store-Beer/Wine • L ooking fromouter space, the E arth’s sky has
no color. S ky color is fromthe combining of air mole-
St. Clair cules and solar radiation. T he air molecule momentarily
absorbs the solar energy, then scatters it in all directions.
Charles F. Moore Municipal
N owwhat the heck did that mean?
Boat Harbor O ur eyes see blue the easiest, then followed by
green and then red. T he sun emits a white light. A s its
Long Term & Transient Docking light is dispersed by air particles, it changes to a color.
Now Offering Bike & Canoe Rentals!! R emember looking through a prismin science class? T he
color blue light is scattered in short but strong bursts.
Launch Ramp S o when the sun is directly overhead, the light being fil-
Courtesy Vehicle tered (like a prism) comes to us in blues because it’s the
Gas, Diesel, Pump Out (ValvTect Marine Fuel) strongest color that our eye will interpret. In contrast
Wi-Fi Service with blue’s “ short” bursts of light, red has the longest
T. V., Electric, Water more far reaching bursts. S o, as the sun is setting, the
Showers/Restrooms blue no longer reaches us. T he reds however do, which
Dog Run our eyes then see more of. U nfortunately, the effect of
Pavilions, Grills, Tables a red s unset becomes more pronounced if the atmos-
Ice, 24 Hr. Security phere contains more and more particles. T he presence
Several Restaurants of sulfur aerosols fromindustrial pollution in our atmos-
phere contributes to some magnificent sunsets, but also
admits some serious environmentalproblems too.
S o, nowyou knowwhy the sky is black at night, right?
Save the worry of getting next
year’s Lake St. Clair Guide before
they’re all gone! Mail your check for
$5.00 and get your 2008 Guide hot off the
press in February! Mail to: Lake St. Clair Guide
7571 Dyke Rd., Fair Haven, MI 48023
(T here’s not enoughlight given fromthe moon)
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