Page 18 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 18

Lake RSets. tCaluarira—nt”sCwanitahdDiaonc”kaSgheoreline rineAfsdlotweuarupnmatryfhaaastmnaicotnhisnledifaciockfrroywwuworiiuattshhteaerre
                                                                                                                                 the area.

  New Require ments                                         R(8LRu0iesm048cs-AR2i52ottaceP6m13uc3d’86ers-.R.a5B5s99in1rs2vi4t)ed0rge  Captain Nikolas’s      mSoSer5gtPeee1rRS8ae9u4Pie2nka2-cas9aft4&en1ot7gsa689RdepoSu..-32o5nerbi95v5a6taat!en2ffhoorrt4irsod
      for Travelers                                        Lilly 5K1a94z-2i9ll24y04’s.-48W83i3n2dsor
                                                                                                                                      Belle River Marina            T5Rh1a894ad22-m6li218en792s’..s-112RC687iva0ef6er
 The Western Hemisphere                                             82 55. 88                                                             519-728-0887
      Travel Initiative                                                                                                                       42 18. 12
                                                                                                                                              82 42. 52
           Beginning January 23, 2007, A LL per-
                                                                                                                                       FYI– They may not
sons, including U.S. citizens, traveling by air                                                                                       take credit cards; so

between the United States and Canada, Mexico,                                                                                            ask just in case.
Central and South America, the Caribbean, and
Bermuda will be required to present a valid pass-                                                                                               Spoote r s
port, Air NEXUS card, or U.S. Coast Guard Mer-                                                                                              Thames River
chant Mariner Docu ment.                                                                                                                     800-224-8338
           As early as January 1, 2008, ALL per-
sons, including U.S. citizens, traveling between                                                                                                42 19. 18
the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South                                                                                                  82 27. 16
America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda by land

or sea (including ferries), may be required to

present a valid passport or other documents as
determined by the Department of Ho meland Se-
curity. While recent legislative changes permit a
later deadline, the Depart ments of State and
Ho meland Security are wo rking to meet all re-
quirements as soon as possible. A mple advance
notice will be provided to enable the public to
obtain passports or passport cards for land/sea
en tries .

           You can still v isit Canada like always by
boat. You just need to call into Customs, the
same as you did before (very easy, they’ll show
you when you arrive). Don’t hesitate to visit!!

 For more info rmation, v isit the U.S. State Dept.
       web p ag e...h ttp ://trav el.s tate.g o v/trav el

It was 1919…Ontario sides with a majority                                      1023 C ounty R d. 2 S t. J oa c him, Onta rio N OR 1S 0
                                                                                                       (51 9)728-1123 loc al
of public opinion following World War I and
votes for a modified version of Prohibition.                                                         (87 7)728-1123 toll free
The law forbids consuming, but not making                                                   S outhe rn S hore s of L a k e S t. C lair
or exporting alcohol. The measure helps                    •MARINE PARTS &SUPPLIES
usher in one of the most lawless and often                 •LICENSED MERCURY TECHNICIANS ON DUTY
violent, if colorful, eras in North American               •IN-WATER SERVICES (FO R ALL MAKES &
history.                                                    MO DELS)
With its lengths of shoreline and its water-               •JET BOATS & JETS SKIS
                                                           •INBOARDS & OUTBOARDS
                            ways inland, the Lake-         •STERN DRIVES
                            shore region becomes a         •HYDRAULIC TRAILER SERVICES
                            hotbed for the transport       •WINTERIZING/SHRINKWRAP/STO RAGE
                            of liquor to the USA.
                            The alcohol is often car-                          Coordinates: 42’ 18.51’N—82’ 36.92’W
                            ried by road or rail from                Railroad Bridge Clearance 7.5’; varies on the water
                            Québec, where Prohibi-
                            tion is not in force.
                               Continued Bottom of
                               Next Page….

The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of informat ion contained herein.                                              Page 18
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