Page 13 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 13

Continued from Last Page: All boats used
in NBAA events must be equipped with a
functioning kill switch. Any time the inter-
nal combustion motor is on both participants
must wear a USCG approved PFD (lifejacket).
NBAA is based on a team event with two
anglers per boat but you can fish alone if you

Your boat must also have aerated livewells
capable of sustaining all your catch during the
course of the event. After the fish are weighed
in they are then released back into the lake.

All fish must be caught in a conventional

sporting manner using one rod which may

not exceed eight (8) feet in length (measured

butt to tip). Trolling with the aid of the in-

ternal combustion or electric trolling motor

is not permitted. Only artificial lures may be   The 2007 Championship will be held on beautiful Hough-

used, live and or prepared bait is not allowed, ton Lake the week after Memorial Day. The payout for this

the only exception being “pork rinds” or its championship could be in excess of $100,000! Along with cash,

equivalent. (I guess even fish don’t think of 3 Skeeter Bass Boats and other prizes will be awarded at this

“pork rinds” as real food either.)               event.

                                                 The weekly Lake St. Clair tournaments also offer cash prizes.

SCORING: Teams must cull down to their There is a “Big Bass Pot” for the largest fish each week. Entry

limit of 5 fish before returning to the official fees for the Overtime events (Tuesday Nights) are typically $40

ramp site. The 5 fish must measure a minimum and for the Weekend events entry fees are typically $125.

of 14 inches, mouth closed, tail compressed.

Dead fish presented for weight will receive a The NBAA currently has over 3000 members. If you are inter-

4-ounce deduction from total weight. If it’s ested in becoming a member so you can participate in these tour-

the big bass, then the penalty shall be accessed naments, you may visit their website at

against that fish. Tournament standings will be You may also contact the National Director, Jack Horning, via

determined by total weight of all competition email: or by phone 269-945-9484.

days. Only largemouth, smallmouth, and spot-

ted bass will be scored.

Up to 32 teams competed each week on Lake
St. Clair (Division 42 with NBAA) last year.
These teams accumulated points all in the
hopes of going to the big NBAA Champion-
ship. Brian Ward, owner of Selfridge Bait
& Tackle, and his teammate Jim Baker went
to the Championship in Kentucky last year.
Brian uses “tube jigs” for the smallmouth.
Brian had also held the Lake St. Clair record
for the 5 fish weigh in at 25# for a number of
years. He said this year it was broken and is
now 27.01 pounds.
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