Page 30 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 30
Your VHF Radio… assigned call sign.
Some info from Once contact is
your Michigan made, immediately
go to a w orking
Sheriff channel. (See next
Department: page for options)
Your VHF radio is on 2. Channel 16 is re-
your boat primarily served for MAYDAY
to call for help. calls. If you hear a
Because of its impor- MAYDAY call, please
tance to boaters, may be
the FCC has specific the nearest boat to
rules for its use. help. If you are
calling for MAYDAY,
1. Only use Channel 9 say “MAYDAY” 3 times,
for hailing. W hen follow ed by the I.D.
trying to establish of your craft, loca-
contact, the correct tion, nature of dis-
procedure is to tress, and the help
name the boat you’re you require.
calling 3 times, then
state the name of Because the VHF ra-
the boat your call- dio is regulated by
ing from with your the FCC, ther e are
severe penalties for
This year, the Venetian Festival of St. Clair violations. Remem-
Shores is scheduled for August 8-12. Please ber, with today’s
check their website for updates for boating electronic equip-
events at ment, they can eas-
“Boat Town” of Harrison Township’s annual ily identify an
Festival of Lights and Antique Boat Parade offending boat!
will be held on Saturday, August 4th.
Please use your ra-
Fir ew o r k s o n t h e w at er f r o nt Prizes for the Boat dio in a seamanlike
Decorating and manner. Don’ t in-
Marysvill e: Algo n ac: House Decorating terfer e with dis-
june 15 June 30 contest range from tress calls. Don’t
$200 to $400! If you use CB lingo.
want to join the fun, Remember the radio
visit aboard may save your life or a fel-
or just show up on low boaters life
the Clinton River or someda y.
the Black River at
New Baltimore: D et ro it -W ind so r Metro Beach and
June 21 watch the Parade of
Www.the Boats all lit up after
Mt. Clemens: dusk.
June 29 Belle maer
and macray
Port huron:
June 30 harbo rs:
July 4
pointe Farms: City of st. clair:
June 30 Is usually July 4, however, may
change to June 30 thi s year only;
please refer to
The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of informat ion contained herein. Page 30