Page 35 - 2007 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 35

ter delta once         rear light is also in need of major
                                                             known as the Ven-      f ounda tion w or k.
                                                             ice of America.
                                                                                    If this maritime heritage on Lake St.
                                                             The front light        Clair is to be saved, restoration efforts
                                                             began to lean in       must continue. Save Our South Chan-
                                                             1875 and was dis-      nel Lights is an all volunteer, non
                                                             mantled and re-        profit organization, that was formed
                                                             built on the same      to accomplish this. The lights have
                                                             stone and timber       been placed on the National Register
                                    T he affordable          crib that it had       of Historic Places. With your help, we
                                   m a r i ne s l e e pi ng  been built on          will pursue our efforts to preserve
                                                             originally. It re-     these remarkable pieces of Lake St.
                                          s olution          mained but is          Clair history. Please visit their
                                                             again leaning and      we bs ite                             at
                                 Enjoy the benefits
                                 of a cushy, one-
                                 piece quilted sleep-
                                 ing surface at a in very bad condi-      
                                 fraction of the cost        tion from erosion
                                 of an expensive             of the base. In            What's In A Name ?
                                 marine mattress.            1990, the “Save
                                 Hard cushions and                                  The Save our South Channel Lights
                                 uncomfortable open our South Channel               is pleased to offer a unique, once-in-a-
   Is your ladder too short?     crevices are a thing        Lights” organiza-      lifetime opportunity for you to leave
If you’re looking for an easier  of the past with the        tion placed a steel    your mark on history. We have 41
                                 “Tufted Topper”.            cell around the        steps leading to the top of the rear
     and safer way up your       It easily folds and                                light and you can purchase a brass
                                                                                    name plate that will be attached to one
  boarding ladder, “Extend       doesn't take up a           base, reinforced       of the steps for $800.00. This plate
Your Step” is your solution.     lot of space.               and filled it with     can list your family name, the name
                                                             limestone for tem-     of your company, or the name of a
       Visit our website for more information on the         porary support         loved one no longer with you - it is up
“Extend Your Step” & the ‘Tufted Topper’, as well as to      until a permanent      to you.
                                                             seawall could be
    see our full line of marine electronics & supplies.      built. In the fall of
       One stop shopping for all your boating needs.

                                                 1996, a permanent seawall was

Lake St. Clair has two completed around the front light
lighthouse structures built i s l a n d .
before Abraham Lincoln
was President of the United      The rear light was built on
                                 the same type of crib and
States. They still stand today just has weathered the ele-
off the southeastern tip of Harsens ments over the years.
Island. Construction of the Old South There was a large keeper's
Channel Range Lights started in house on the island sur-
1855 and finished in 1859. These rounding the light that was
lights guided ships into the fresh wa- taken down in the early


                                          1930s. Van-                               To take advantage of this limited time
                                          dalism has                                offer please go to our website and
                                          played a part                             click on “What’s in a Name.” Once
                                          in the overall                            we receive your order we will send
                                          de ter ior at ion                         you confirmation and when the lights
                                          and, com-                                 are ready for viewing you will be no-
                                          bined with                                tified and can tour the light and check
                                          age and the                               out your stamp on history.
                                 1895 elements, the

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