Page 68 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
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look  forward  to  a
                                                            full report by 2023       Jan-Michael Hessenauer, Ph.D.
                                                            on  the  findings!       Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research
                                                            This  season,  he                       Station Michigan
                                                            said they plan on                                  DNR
              “James” Swims Detroit River                   tagging perch.
                  to Buffalo NY and Back!                             Jan-Michael
                                                            along  with  sever-
        More and more fish tagging is taking place          al other biologists
        around  the  Great  Lakes  including  Lake   wrote a very detailed scientific re-
        St.  Clair.    Since  2016,  the  DNR,  along   port on the Muskie tagging findings.
        with  other  federal  agencies  have  been   You  may  read  the  full  report  by
        monitoring Muskie movement on both the   emailing  Jan-Michael  (info  end  of
        U.S. and Canadian side.  The Muskie are   article) which includes much more
                                                    data and maps.
                                                         I summarized a few nug-
          Brad Ultrup                               gets of information I thought
          Michigan DNR                              would  be  interesting  to
          Fisheries                                 share on the Muskie move-
                                                      58  Muskie  were  tracked
                                                    from 3 months to 42 months.
                                                    Data showed from 1/4 mile
                                                    to  8/10ths  of  mile  average
                                                    daily travel with a high and   quently  returned  to  their  original  tag-

                                                    low of  1.7 miles and only 138’.  ging area regardless of the season.
                                                    Most movement was in the Fall            One  fish,  nicknamed  James  be-
                                                    with least in the Winter.     cause  of  his  tag  number  007,  amaz-
                                                         Muskie tagged in southern  ingly traveled from his original tagging
                                                    Lake  St.  Clair  Canadian  wa-  location in the Detroit River all the way
                                                    ters mostly stayed in their area  to  Buffalo,  NY  during  the  summer  of
                                                    (Thames  River  /  Belle  River),  2016.  By  January  2017,  James  was
          Note the incision in the belly.           however  a  low  percent  of  the  back  in  the  Michigan  waters  of  Lake
                                                                   Belle   River  Erie, and in May 2017 was only a few
                                                                   Muskie    did          Receivers planted to
        surgically  implanted  with  an                            travel    the          monitor tagged fish
        acoustic transmitter that pings  Rozen                     Detroit Riv-
        a  unique  code.    As  you  can  from Ohio                er  into  Lake
        see  from  the  map,  there  are  in July                  Erie.
        hundreds of receiving locations                                 Musk-
        around the Great Lakes.                                    ie  tagged  in
             According to our local DNR                            Anchor  Bay
        Biologist,  Jan-Michael  Hes-                              spent 70% of
        senauer,  Ph.D.  at  the  Lake                             their  time  in
        St. Clair Fisheries  Research                              Lake St. Clair
        Station,  there  has  been  an                             with  a  50/50
        increase  in  Lake  St.  Clair                             split between
        receivers  since  2020  from                               Michigan   &
        12 to 40!  They are in a grid                              Ontario  wa-
        pattern roughly 3 miles apart                              ters.     All the
        throughout the U.S. and Ca-                                Muskie   fre-  hundred yards from where he had been
        nadian waters.                                                            captured the year before by Belle Isle
             Besides Muskie, the DNR                                              – a stealthy round trip of at least 620
        tagged 46 Smallmouth Bass                                                 miles!  Remarkably,  James  has  done
        last  season,  a  split  between                                          this three times! and he is still providing
        Anchor  Bay  and  our  Mile                                               scientists with data on his movements.
        Roads area.  Data is collect-                                                      The DNR would also like to thank
        ed  and  reported  on  roughly  every  15                                     the Muskie clubs on both the U.S.
        months.    Jan-Michael
        reported  the  Small-
        mouth  population  the
        last    5+  years  has
        been  stable.    We  will
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