Page 72 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 72

WHAT IS NEW and on the               north up the board-
        TO DO FOR 22?  Cont. from            walk,  the  Riverview
                                             Plaza has a bar &
        pg 51b Full article begins pg. 10 BEST       food hopping
        FREIGHTER                                    extravagan-
        VIEWING at a free                            za.   You’ll
        park?    CITY OF                             find   your-
        ST. CLAIR contin-                            self making
        ues to grow and                              some   diffi-
        is the best Resort                           cult choices
        Port   destination                           before  you
        on the River page                            get too full
        26-33; and every-                            since these
        one  is open  year                           next   three
        round!   As you   Manninas’ Wine House now   places  are
        come into town on   has a full bar.  Homemade   all fantastic
        M29 (or a quick     soup trio above, pastas,   stops   too.
        route from I-94)   brunch, great small plates to   From winery
        from  the south,     share a bottle of wine.  to “farm to
                                                     table foods”
                                             to watching a live
                                             brewery in action.
                                             The St. Clair culinary
                                             & shopping experience is open year
                                             round!  In between bites, stop in the
                                             several  unique shops pg. 30-31 of-
             The Voyageur is St. Clair’s     ten for home and personal items that
                                             change out weekly!  NEW for ‘22?
           flagship restaurant to start your   Mannina’s  Wine  House  is  no  longer
               tour up the boardwalk         only wine!  A full bar for ‘22 and a more
        the Flagship at  the start  of  the lon-  extensive  menu  of  homemade  reci-
        gest freshwater boardwalk in the world  pes - cool small plates while you share
        starts  with                                 some wine too are all made
        the  historic                                fresh in house.   War Water
        Voyageur                                     Brewery page 30 is a unique
        page    33.                                  brewery attraction. They pride
        This   river-                                themselves on their beer and
        front   bar                                  seltzers, but I also go there
        and dining                                   to eat and consider their food
        room  offers                                 “bar fare with a flair!“ Sushi to
        THE    clos-                                 burgers!  New for ‘22?  War
        est  freighter                               Water will offer their own dis-
        views on the                                 tilled spirits including vodka,
        river,   fine   War Water Brewery offers an   rum, gin by early spring, with
        dining, & pi-                                whiskey coming down the
        ano bar.      interactive experience.  Bar fare   road.    Great  staff  here  too  -
              As  you   with a “flair!” compliments the house   everyone waits on everyone
        proceed a 5   made Lagers, IPA’s, Stouts, Hard   so you never have an empty
        minute walk    Seltzers;   Spirits coming soon!  pint!    Cont. Page 100
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