Page 7 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 7

ing maneuvers. The Engine Cut-      The Old USCG Ap-
          Off Switch Link must be attached  proval  System  divided
          whenever  the  boat  is  operating  PFDs  into  Types:  I,  II,
          on plane or greater than displace-  III  IV,  and  V.  The  US
          ment speed                      Coast Guard and Can-
          2.  My boat doesn’t have a Engine  ada’s  PFD  regulatory
          Cut-Off Switch, do I need to install  agency, Transport Can-

                                                                                                                         Kill Switch Law - cerain boat / hp / only people
                                                                                                                         can enforce is the coast guard federal law


                                                                       810-748-3330 / FAX 748-3800

          one?  No, unless the boat was built on  ada, have joined forces to create
          or after Jan.1,2020.            an approval system that works in
             The shutdown of the engine is  both  countries.    Instead  of  des-
          essential for safety reasons if the  ignating  the  Intended  Use  for  a
          operator is ejected or falls within  PFD, the new system lists the ac-
          the vessel.                     tivities the PFD “is not” approved
               The Coast Guard issued a new  for.  Check the label of the jacket
          PDF labeling system.  According  before  you  go  tubing,  water  ski,
          to  the  U.S.  Coast  Guard  stats,  waverunner,  or  swim  to  ensure
          86%  of  boaters  who  drowned  you’re wearing the right one.
          during    2019
          were  not  wear-
          ing a life jacket.                                You can be
          80%  of  drown-
          ings  are  from                                   my wingman
          people     who                                      anytime
          were  on  boats                                                           Webcam Overlooking
          under 21’.  This
          new  PFD  label-                                                      Bouvier Bay - N. Anchor Bay
          ing  system  can   Double Eagles
          be  found  in  de-
          tail  @  hunting on Bouvier Bay
          learn/us-coast-                                                     2022 is the
          proval-system.                                                 35th anniversary of
                                                                        Top Gun & the year of
                                                                         its sequel.  You may
                                                                          notice a few more
                                                                         reminders of all our
                                                                            favorite lines

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