Page 8 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 8

Belle                         Continued from Pg. 7 -              Zone, if you see white water
                 River                         Marine Sheriffs’ Update             coming from behind your boat,
                Marina                         ◆ Throw an anchor out when          you are going too fast.
                                               you go swimming.... boats           ◆St. Clair River Float down -
     Deep water marina                         drift away quickly ◆ Make sure      Please wear a life jacket. The
                                               someone besides the captain         water is cold. Last year a 19 year
on the Ontario shore of Lake St. Clair         knows how to run the boat in        old got off his raft and attempted
                                               an emergency.... not knowing        to swim under his group’s raft.
•Gas               •Diesel                     how to dock gracefully isn’t        He went under and never came
                                               very important if the captain       up. Very dangerous event where
•Pumpout           •Wi-Fi                      has a heart attack; but no one      people underestimate how cold
                                               knowing how to start the boat       the water is. Also, during the
•Floating Docks    •Restaurant                 can be a problem ◆ Have a           Float Down, if there is a SW
                                               marine VHF radio .... we have       wind, you potentially will drift
•Free Bike Rental  •Splash Pad                 several dead spots around Lake      over to Canada where you’ll
                                               St. Clair with no cell phone sig-   need to go through customs
•Beach-BBQ's-Pavilion •Boat Ramp               nal ◆ Learn the symptoms to         (bring your passport!) ◆ Jet skis
                                               identify if someone is drown-       = Several inexperienced rider
•Summer Entertainment & Activities             ing. When someone is about to       accidents each year...People loan
                                               drown, they can no longer talk,     out for a ride... this is not a toy.
Enjoy free entertainment, our park, our beach  and you may not recognize
     or borrow a bike for a ride into town     someone is in trouble.... it’s not     During the off season, the
                                               like on TV.                         Macomb County Marine Sher-
          Canada Day July 1st                                                      iff visits 7th grade classrooms
      Family Fun and Fireworks                     Sergeant Don Berg wanted        of area schools to teach kids
                                               us to remember ◆ If your boat       about boating. At the end of
                                               flips over, stay with your boat     the training, these kids receive
                                               for best survival chance ◆ When     their Michigan Safety Certifi-
                                               traveling through a NO WAKE         cate. Continued on page 35..

                                               Sergeant Berg says “When traveling through a NO WAKE
                                               Zone, if you see white water coming from behind your boat,
                                               you are  going too fast. We have    a  No  mercy  rule  for  our  local
                                               boaters  who know better ...”

                                               The markers are not big, however, from the North Channel
                                                                                      Yacht Club to the en-
                                                                                      trance of Lake St. Clair on
                                                                                      the North Channel is a No
                                                                                      Wake Zone (see pg. 9).
                                                                                      The boats at the fuel dock
                                                                                      and at Deckers Restau-
July 16-19, 2015                                                                      rant get severly knocked
                                               The Sheriff can hand out around when boaters big
                                               tickets every day in front             AND small ignore this
                                               of Decker’s Landing                    law. (Also note the No
                                                                                      Wake in front of Brown’s
                                                                                      Bar for over 26’ boats on
                                                                                      the Middle Channel).

Latitude 42 18.12 Longitude 82 42.52 ◆ 519-728-2245
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