Page 104 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 104

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                                                           its type in the world.”  Recreation:  While constructing in
                                                                Primary Function  1968,  excavated  material  resulted  in
                                                           of the Chapaton Ba-    a  newly  formed  peninsula  (Chapaton
                                                           sin Park? Protection:  Basin  Park).    In  1978  a  boat  launch
                                                           To reduce basement  was constructed and the basin’s deck
           Cont. from    storm  water  dis-                and  street  flooding.   became a parking lot for cars and boat
          pg 53  9 MILE  charges into Lake  Pollution  Abatement:    The 28 MIL-  trailers - so that’s why the parking lot is
         BOAT LAUNCH     St. Clair.          LION!  gallon  underwater  storage  sys-  so enormous (see photo right).
              IS CLOSED FOR  In 1968 the Chapa-  tem was constructed to intercept storm       The parking lot retrofit represents
          2024 SEASON    ton Pump Station &  and  wastewater  before  polluting  Lake  a key opportunity for added storm wa-
                         retention basin was  St. Clair. Improvements and upgrades  ter  control  due  to  “its  own”  storm  run
        built.  According to the drain commis-  continued in the early 2000’s which in-  off which accounts for 2% of the basin’s
        sioner  at  the  time,  Chapaton  was  the  cluded additional  storage to increase  capacity.  This project underway will re-
        “largest  pollution  abatement  facility  of  the capacity to 30 MILLION gallons!  duce the impact of storm water runoff
                                                                                                 The deck of the basin
                                                                                            is  5  acres  and  completely
                                                                                            paved.  Run off from both
                                                                                            the  parking lot  and onsite
                                                                                            roof  tops  go  directly  into
                                                                                            the  basin  for  treatment.
                                                                                            The  project  proposes  to
                                                                                            update  to  green  rooftops,
                                                                                            bioswales,  porous  pave-
       H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
                                                                                            ment,  and  other  practices
                                                                                             to  promote  storm  water
                                                                                             infiltration &  absorption to
                                                                                             reduce  the impact on the
                                                                                             combined sewer system.
                                                                                                  Upon completion, these
                                                                                             initiatives for green improve-
                                                                                             ments of porous pavement,
                                                                                             grow  zones,  bioretention,
                                                                                             and  tree  planting  will  be
                                                                                             highly visible to the public to

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