Page 108 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 108

Bayview YC has a
                                                                                cool app to monitor
                                                                                   Port Huron to
                                                                                 Mackinac sail race

                                                                                            11:11 p.m.
                      It’s always nice if you know someone with a bigger boat               Sunday Night

                                                                                            Day 2
                   Lake St. Clair Father & 15-Year Old Son “Two Man Team”                   Captain has choice of the
                       to Race the 100th Port Huron to Mackinac this July                    Michigan “Shore Course”
                  use  when  “off-line”  to  monitor  the       Alex also said it was pretty diffi-  204 miles or run the
         Cont.    various wind models available; so  cult with the crew voting to work 4      Canadian “Cove Island
         from     they just needed to stay on guard  hours on and 4 hours off at night.       Course” at 290 miles.
         Page 88
                  in the dark.                      We  can  obviously  presume  the  He hopes to follow in his dad’s foot-
                                                       strain  will  be  a  lot  more  diffi-  steps and become a Naval Officer
                                                       cult with their “Double Handed”  - but will always maintain sailing as
                                                       crew on this year’s race.  Typ-  a significant part of his life.
                                                       ically  the  larger  /  faster  boats       If you’re out boating, the North
                                                       take the Cove Course, howev-  Star Sail Club races each Tuesday
                                                       er for a “Double Handed” they  and  Friday  evenings  on  Anchor
                                                       are required to  run the Shore  Bay.  They start between 7-7:30 de-
                                                       Course  along  Michigan  where  pending on size.  Exciting to catch
                                                       they  will  maintain  cell  service  them out there while the sun is set-
                                                       “most of the time.”           ting!  Or on shore, you can watch
                                                        Although Alex                     them leaving their club from
                                                       will   continue   Racers who have   both the Crews Inn or Bum-
                                                       c om pet it ive   completed 25 Port   pers Landing Restaurants on
                                                       sailing he does   Huron to Mackinac   the Clinton River.
                                                       not see this as   races are called “Old
                                                       a future career.     Goats,” while those
                                                                           who have
         St. Clair River daily freighter                               completed 50 are
         traffic can be viewed close                                 called “Grand Rams.”
          up on land from Harsen’s                                    People who work for
         Island, or from boardwalks                                  15 years on the Race
       H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
           in Algonac, Marine City,                                   Committee are hon-
             & City of St. Clair.                                      ored with the title
                                                                          “Old Forts.”

                                                                       Good luck to the “Relentless”  two man “father
                                                                        & teenage son” crew for 100th annual Port Hu-
                                                                        ron to Mackinac Race.  Article begins page 50

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