Page 112 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 112

                                                                                            32oz. BOOMBAS
              acroSS From liGhthouSe
                                                                                           BALLY’S SPORTS
                                                                                             POOL TABLES
               unique & DiFferent
                                                                                             Outdoor Patio
               jeWelry · pottery
             306 S. Water St.                   The Friendly Neighborhood Bar           142 S Water St.
               586-291-1963                    121 Broadway @ Water St, Marine City     (810) 765-4692
                                                                                                Kids Day.  We were so
                                                                                                excited when more than
        The All New MARITIME DAYS                                                               twice as many kids came
                                                                                                than anticipated.  It was
        of Marine City - St. Clair River                                                        the  Festival highlight for
                                                                                                me. The streets and parks
                                                                                                were full of families having
              After the success of last season’s re-  were  off  to  the  races!    To  make  this   a great time at an afford-
         vival of the Maritime Days (like it used  event the success it was, Tammi had to   able cost. Our city docks were full. Our new
         to be years ago), I spoke with the presi-  make this a full-time job plus overtime.    Brunch & Cocktail Competition was AMAZ-
         dent of the event, Tammi Graber.     The  end  result?    Was  a  huge  reward   ING! We couldn’t have done it without lo-
              After a couple not so great years,  for  her  and  the  volunteers  and  spon-  cal establishments - AJ’s Salt Docks, The
         the  entire  2022  Board  decided  they  sors  to  see  the  families  enjoying  the   Riviera, Gords Bar,  The Little Bar,  Ron’s
         were  done.  The  announcement  went  many activities.      According to Tam-  Roadhouse, Marine City Fish Company, &
         on Facebook and                                                          Newport Pub.
         Tammi  said  she  just
         couldn’t let this event
         die  off.    So,  taking
         matters into her own
         hands,  she  sched-
         uled an  information meeting  to  see if  mi,  “The parks were full for the Lighted
         there  was  interest  in  saving  the  festi-  Boat Parade and the Fireworks Show.   We had 9 live bands  plus cool enter-
         val. 25 volunteers showed up and they  We under estimated the attendance for   tainment for the Kids!  Clowns, Mag-
                                                                                          ic Show,  Kid’s Karaoke, Big
                                                                                          Air Freestyle Shows, and an
                                                                                          Exotic  Animal interaction to
                                                                                          name a few!”
                                                                                               Yes, I’m up for the
      H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
                                                                                           challenge again. We have
                                                                                             a great team and we’re
                                                                                              welcoming energetic
                                                                          Family Day           people to join us!

            Teagan won a trophy for 2nd place bringing                                    WINNERS of new event
                                                                                           Best Brunch Cocktail
                    in a big bass from the shore!                                           The Newport Pub

                                           Kids Fishing

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