Page 114 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 114

Boat Shows Spring & Fall

        The 35th annual 2-Day Great Lakes                        there  were  several  areas
        Boating Festival helps kick off the Lake                 including  an outdoor bar/
        St. Clair area boat season May 18-19.  With              patio  to  enjoy  the  beauti-
        the beautiful Grosse Pointe Yacht Club as its            ful view while sipping on a
        background, it’s a great show to see many                cool beverage.  Last sea-
        higher end unique accessories, boats, and                son too was the first time
        yachts in the water.                                     added  vendors  lined  the
             Last season, 35 boat brands from 10’                pool  deck  with  water  bike
        to  80’  were  represented  with  73  boats  in          demos in the pool.          This  show  is  free  to  the
        the  water  to  board  and  tour.    Besides  the                                    public, however has very
        boat and marine supplies offered by a larg-                                          limited on-site parking
        er  number  of  vendors,  the  Grosse                                                (last  season  was  $20/
        Pointe Yacht Club had a BBQ                                                          car).    However,  there  is
        going with burgers & brats, Ca-                                                      a  shuttle  service  from
        ribbean  style  live  music,  and                                                    nearby  Parcell’s  Middle
                                                                                                  Michigan Boating In-
                                                                                             dustries hosts this event,
                                                                                             see right hand page for
                                                                                             more  details  on  how  to
                                                                                             participate as a vendor or
                               Easy Quiz for water lovers
                              who don’t have a boat yet ...

             The only thing
            missing here is ..?

          Lake St. Clair Metropark Boat Show
       H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
               The Progressive® Metro Boat     nearly a 1-mile footprint.          GREAT deals at this in-water show
          Show last season (each September)         “Hundreds of boats and acces-  September 12-15!
          at the Lake St. Clair Metropark was   sory displays, and boating enthusi-       Recent data from the National
          a big success by producer Michi-     asts coming together made for four   Marine Manufacturers Association
          gan Boating Industries Association,   fantastic days of the boat show,”   reports that the total economic
          exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees.   said Show Manager Nicki Polan.    impact of recreational boating in
          Nearly 10,000 attendees strolled the   The show was 20% larger, making it  Michigan is a staggering $11.7 bil-
          walkways of the Shore and South      the largest show in 12 years!       lion! This is up 82% since the same
          marinas at the Metropark, spanning        Find new boats and some        study in 2018. There are also 45,000
                                                                                                      jobs in the in-
                                                                                                      dustry, up 45%
                                                                                                      since 2018.

                                                                                                         BOATING IND.
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