Page 26 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 26

riVerVieW PlAzA
                                                                                        southeAst siDe suite e
                First Stop                                                               201 n. riVersiDe DriVe,
                                                                                              st. ClAir, Mi

          Mon-Fri 7AM-4PM
          sAt 8AM - 3PM
          sunDAy oPen suMMer                         810-328-4551
          see qr CoDe BeloW For              CAtering - sAnDWiCh trAys to Mini Burgers For your grouP
       the river
          seAsonAl uPDAtes

       RESORT PORT - st. clair on

                          Waterfront !

                    Dine in • outsiDe PAtio

                         Fresh grAB & go
                         sPeCiAlty DrinKs

                    CArry out For the BoArDWAlK!

          HOURS & MENU:

                            BreAKFAst                   ArtisAn                sMoothies
                              lunCh &               sAnDWiChes               BAKery iteMs

                            BeVerAges                   to PizzA                iCe CreAM
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