Page 27 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 27

riVerVieW PlAzA
           northWest siDe suite B7
            201 n. riVersiDe DriVe                                                         Last Stop
                 st. ClAir, Mi

                stAnDArD WeeKDAy                                                             BreAKFAst is serVeD:
                    KitChen hours                                                               WeD-FriDAy 8-11AM
                        tues 11-9PM                                                           sAturDAy & sunDAy
              WeD-FriDAy 8AM-9PM                     810-637-8914                                      8:30-1:30PM
                sAturDAy 8:30-9PM       Bogo - 1/2 oFF MiMosAs & BlooDy MAry’s                see qr CoDe BeloW
                  sunDAy 8:30-7PM                                                          For seAsonAl uPDAtes
                                                    sAturDAy & sunDAy

                                                        Cocktails & Conversation!                                    RESORT PORT - st. clair on

                                                                  insiDe & outsiDe BArs

                                                            Dining rooM & heAteD PAtio
                                                            seAsonAl MeAls & CoCKtAils

                                                            CAtering to you • MoBile BAr & serVers                   the river

                                                                                                  LATEST SEASONAL
                                                                                                    HOURS & MENU:


                          lunCh • Diinner                  no DeeP                  WeeKly
                          Full BreAKFAst                FrieD FooDs                sPeCiAls
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32