Page 32 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 32

City of St. Clair

                     on the St. Clair River

                                                   make history more interest-
          New!  FREIGHTER WALK                     ing for both kids and adults.
                                                   The ships chosen to ac-
        the river  the St. Clair Boardwalk!  of ships passing by our area each
                                                   knowledge on this foot path
               Art, culture, and history come
          together  with  new  innovation  on  help us to understand the diversity
               On a brisk spring afternoon on  day.
          May 20, 2023, the City of St. Clair,       The beautiful brass plates you’ll
          hosted by the St. Clair Recreation  see along the boardwalk were all
          dedicated a “feets on display” on  custom  made  working  closely
                                                                                 along with St. Clair Mayor Bill Cedar,
          their beautiful waterfront board-
        RESORT PORT - st. clair on
                                                                                 and Chrissy Gorzen & Skip Meier of
                                             Many individuals, state and county
          walk  in  Palmer Park.   The  com-  with the St. Clair Art Association.     Recreation Director Trice Hawkins.
          pleted “Freighter Walk” features a  grants, and groups came together   the St. Clair Historical Society were
                                                                                 on hand for this dedication
          variety of ships moving about the  to raise funds to make this possi-
          Great Lakes passing  by  St.  Clair  ble including the St. Clair FIT Lead-  Clair Art Association held an open
          from 1679 to today.                ership Team, St. Clair Art Assoc.,  house gathering where the musical
               Imagined by Chrissy Gorzen  and the St. Clair Recreation Dept.  ensemble “Trois Bouffons” played
          (and inspired by Skip Meier) both  along with several volunteers to  traditional mariner music.
          members of the St. Clair Historical  complete the installation - THANK       How it Works?  All plaques along
          Museum conceived this  freighter  YOU!!  After the dedication, the St.  the boardwalk are marked with the
          walk as a fun ed-
          ucational tool to

                    Use the QR code on the
                  sign, log into stclaironthe-
                                                     “The Zero” foot mark
                  or view these large posters                                               (start of walking tour)
                   on the kiosk at the south
                  end of the boardwalk to see                                              is in front of the family
                      each ship’s detail.                                                   waving statue above.

                   Chrissy Gorzen &
                        Skip Meier -
                   St. Clair Historical
                            Society                               DID YOU KNOW - It takes 24 hours
                                                                 for a freighter to go from St. Clair to
                                                                  the Soo Locks in Michigan’s Upper
                                                                  Peninsula to enter Lake Superior.
                                                                    (5 hour drive by car from here)

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