Page 56 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 56

Darryl from        Lake  weather  trip  experiences
                                             W. Virginia       with  Relentless  for  practice  -
                                          in August caught     just in case this year turns ugly.
                                         this sturgeon while   One was on Lake Erie and the
                                           Muskie fishing      second on Lake Huron near
                                                               Port Huron while returning from
                                                               Mackinac (on a non race occa-
                                                               sion.)  Both dad and son were on
                                                               board along with crew and were
                                                               prepared for Lake Huron weath-
      - LET’S GO!  alone if it was flipped over.  This Alex accomplished at 10 ...   est gust metered at 60 knots.  I   Cont. to Page 88
                                                               er.    They  withstood  52  knot
                                                               sustained  winds  with  the  high-

                                                               asked Alex if he was scared, and
                                                               he said it was “exciting!”
         Lake St. Clair Father & 15-Year Old Son
                                                                    Alex’s roles for last season’s race was a “grinder” - which is
                                                Cont. from
         “Two Man Team” to Race the 100th Port
                                                               manning the winches along with trimming the sails.  He also
                                                 Page 50
              Huron to Mackinac this July
                                                               had some time at the helm as well as handled some of the nav-
                                                               igation.  Alex’s primary job was to be “Rail Meat” which is the
        and with almost a tear in his eye Jeff said he let his son go
        out without him.
     GET READY       The last two year’s
        races,  Lake  Huron’s
        winds  were  rather
        low.    However,  both
        Jeff  and  Alex  have
        had two severe Great

                                                 GRAY SUNNY DAYS

                                                Forecast today?  Sunny with gray
                                                 skies.  UGH we had a lot of gray
                                                 days because of the continuous
                                                  fires inside Canada during the
                                                  summer affecting our air quality
                                                 - which reflects in a lot of photos
                                                with this “white” sky unfortunately.

           July 2023.... this weather
          map I use looked the same
           every month last summer.

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