Page 58 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 58


                                                                Don’t have a Boat or Jet Ski?
                                                             Time to buy, rent, or charter! See
                                                                  Page 100 “Boat Rentals”

                                                   Beach!                  Anchor Bay’s west side
                                                   New Baltimore            of “Grassy Island”
                                                                                                 Bouvier Bay
                                                                      In front of                “Munchies Bay”
                                                                  Strawberry Island                        Baltimore
                                                                                                           “Naked Bay”
                                                            Anchor Bay                      The Sni North Channel
                                                            “Poor Man’s Beach”
                                                                        Clinton River           Middle  Fisher
                                                  Lake St. Clair
                                                   Metropark       Take a picnic!                   Bay of the “Raft Off”
                                                                   Lake St. Clair Metropark
                        CALL LISA EICK                             Tie up along the wall at   Island   Little Muscamoot
                           586.873.8110                            & watch the many boats   Nooner”
                                                                   go by... or anchor in back
              Certified Advanced Diver                              protected bay
                                                                Art Van
                                                                Sand Bar Grosse
                                                                Pointe just North
                                                                of Yacht Club

        By Lisa Eick, Recovery Diver
        As a full-time recovery scuba diver, I’m most
        often  called  to  come  locate  the  everyday
        things  people  keep  in  their  pockets.  I  can
        usually  respond  quickly,  and  the  phones  I       I was asked to find a few things for dogs
        find almost always work. Aside from phones,  this year too: a ramp for a Husky to get from
        keys, glasses, and wallets, I am sometimes  the dock to the boat and an electronic train-
        asked to find more unusual things.        ing collar for a Lab, and I also grabbed a col-
             This year I was asked to recover three  lar that fell in the previous year while I was
        loaded guns within two weeks. I don’t usual-  there retrieving a phone. I’m sure the dogs
        ly get many calls for firearms, so it was as-  were all grateful.
        tonishing to get so many that close together.       This year, plastic bags have caused prob-
        Fortunately, I found all three of them.            lems for at least a few boaters. I
                                                                             Cont. Next Pg.

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