Page 49 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 49

St. Clair River                   Reporting Tagged
                                    Fish to DNR
   Port Huron
Black River on

   12th Street
  Parking: 65
GPS: 42.98.289

                                    The DNR conducts many studies. If you

           St. Clair Municipal      catch a tagged fish please note: Species,           I-94             Washington                                                         Palms RdFair
               Parking: 80          length, weight, tag location on fish, I.D.                                                               Haven
                                    # (the larger of the two sets of numbers),                                                               Church
            GPS: 42.81.996          tag return address (i.e. MICH DNR MM-                                               County
  Marine City                                                                                                                M-29
  Parking: 93
GPS: 42.70.264                                                                  Exit 243 - 23 Mile East              New        Lake St. Clair
   82.50.036                                                                                                         Baltimore

                                    1), capture date, time, & location. If you                Michigan Free Fishing Weekends!

                                    will be releasing the fish, jaw tag can be removed with Winter: February 18-19, 2012
                                    needle-nose pliers. Take care to not break the jaw bone.             Summer: June 9-10, 2012

                                    There have been times where $100 was paid for certain These are two special times when all
                                                                                               fishing license fees will be waived for
                                    species reporting... so good luck with your catch!        residents and outstate visitors alike on

                                    Visit to report your      both inland and Great Lakes waters.
                                    fish. Thank you!                                            All fishing regulations still apply.

                                    DNR Public Launch Sites

            Brandenburg Park                        Welcome to all you                                      Fair Haven
       Jefferson, S.of 23 Mile Rd.                out-of-state fishermen                                     On M29

               Parking: 369                         & women! Thanks                                        Parking: 48
             GPS: 42.66.559                              for visiting!!!                                 GPS: 42.67.452

                     82.75.869                                                                                  82.63.228

              Selfridge                              Deckers Off M29                                      North Channel            Rob from PA
     End of M59 at Jefferson                      end of Anchor Bay Dr.                                      On M29

            Parking: 151                                Parking: 35                                       Parking: 139
          GPS: 42.63.034                             GPS: 42.63.314                                      GPS: 42.61.407

                 82.82.001                                   82.65.099                                           82.55.011

   Clinton River Cut Off                          Lake St. Clair
Jefferson, South of Crocker
                                                  Harley Ensign
        Parking: 130
      GPS: 42.56.227                              Mouth of the Clinton River

              82.84.332                           End of South River Road

                                                  Parking: 349

                                                  GPS: 42.59.326

                                                  82.77.473                                                                     Ames Access

                                                                                                                                Harsens Island

                                                  Metropolitan Beach                                                 Middle Channel Drive
                                                  End of 16 Mile Road
                                                                                                                                Parking: 35
                                                      Parking: 160
                                                    GPS: 42.58.088              Snooks on Harsens Island                     GPS: 42.59.776
                                                                                  Middle Channel Drive                               82.60.031
                                                                                              Parking: 35
                                                                                        GPS: 42.58.567

Dave from AZ Sue from OH            John from OH  Ohio Gang                     Tom from KY              Carl from Kalkaska        Kim from KY

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