Page 44 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 44

FIBERGLASS - GELCOAT REPAIR                                     =       ?
     transoms • bulk heads • stringers
                                                         REAL FISHLIPS
WE WORK WITH ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES                     	 I like to catch fish, but if I'm eating it, and get a
                                                         bone, it really ruins my appetite. Now, I find that I might
             586-776-5650                                be licking fish scales!
                                                         	 Lipstick contains a wide range of ingredients.                             Different waxes are used to put lipstick in a solid form
24030 E. Jefferson - St. Clair Shores, MI                and helps when applying. To make lipstick shiny, there
                                                         are different types of oils and fats. Colors come from both
      Slips from 17' - 41'             Well Lit & Safe   natural and man made products. Matte lipsticks contain
24 Hour Key Card Access                   Dock Boxes     heavy wax. Sheer and long lasting contain a lot of oil.
                                                         Shimmery lipsticks contain either mica, silica, synthetic
    Satellite TV / WI-FI        Inside Heated Storage    pearl particles, scales.
           Club House                Outside Storage
                                                         Fish scales on the label has a fancy name of Pearlescence
Ice Maker/Refrigerator      Full Winterization Services  or Pearl Essence... sounds pretty for my lips. The silvery
                                                         substance is found in the scales of herring, and is a lucra-
A Full Service Marina                                    tive by-product for herring fisheries. Besides it being
                                                         in some lipsticks, you can also find it in nail polish, eye
in the Heart                                             shadow, blush, paints, ceramics, and costume jewelry.

of the Nautical Mile

                                            Fun for      These events usually
                                           me too!       start in January when
                            Enjoy Lake St.               the ice is really thick.
                              Clair in the               There is racing going
                             Winter! On a
                            sunny day, with                on every Saturday
                             low winds, it's              & Sunday at the Fair
                            very warm on the              Haven launch Ramp
                              ice....really!             on M29. See page 49
                                                          for launch location.

                            The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein Page 44
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