Page 40 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 40

The Marine                                                  you do is choose (Wavelength, owned by Jeff Conrad,
                                                            a point of sail that coincidently, the only other boat out of
                                                            keeps you closest Lexington) as it was approaching the
Engine                                                      to your desired island. However, and unfortunately

  Service                                                   direction with the this last boat went aground about three
Specialists                                                 least amount of hundred yards before the finish line.
                                                            tacking and jib- The boat needed assistance to get back
                                                            ing. into deeper water so had to drop out of
Our "Year Round" & "Manufacturers' Authorized"              	 As for phone the race, hence the pickle boat award
    Service Includes Certified Mechanics for                reception in the defaulted to Rhumb Runner! The good
                                                            lake it varies. news is that the boat that went aground
                                                            When we were was not damaged and no one was in-
MERCURY, MERCRUISER, YAMAHA, VOLVO                          in and near Port jured.
                                                            Huron we had no 	                Well into the race it was obvious
                                                            problems. Some to us that we were not going to make it
Bring your boat to us on the Clinton River                  of us were tak- to the island and place within our class.
                                                            ing pictures and However, it was important to us to fin-
or schedule one of our 3 Mobile Marine Trucks               texting them to ish the race, regardless of how long it

Engine Diagnostics        Trans. & Stern Drives           friends and rela- took. We accept the Pickle Boat with
                                                            tives, and even humor, and it just adds to our overall
Engine Surveys            Generator Serv. & Install.      making posts on experience. Something to laugh about
                                                            Facebook. As you until the 2012 race! Also, the Pickle
Engine Rebuild            Inboard Propulsion Systems      go north it became Boat Award is a flag, not a trophy. But

Electrical/Electronics Install. Drive Train & Drive Line  spotty, you can all of the awards are flags, so that they
                                                            get some recep- can be raised on the boats that earned
Prop & Shaft Service      Outdrive Service                tion when you are them.

Impellers                 Insurance Work                  near most of the 	               A little extra about the experi-
                                                            towns. However ence from my perspective....It is impor-
Winterization/Shrinkwrap  35/75 Ton Travel Lift Hoists    this assumes you tant to know that there are two types

(586)469-4131                                               are staying near of sailors, cruisers and racers. I have
                                                            shore, which at been ASA certified through Bare Boat,
                                                            one point we were                and have a fair amount of experience
      email:               just too far in the              as a cruising sailor. As a cruiser I typi-
31785 S. River Road, Harrison Township, MI 48045            lake to get any cell             cally go out for day sails with my wife
                                                            reception.                       and/or friends. When you are day sail-
                Located at Sun Dog Marina

                                                            	 There were ing you really do not care which direc-
The Pickle Boat ..... several minor tion that you go, so I typically choose a
                                                      things that may have added a small point of sail that is easy and offers a safe
                                                      amount of time for us,
                                                    but in my opinion the
Continued from page 36                              biggest contributing fac-

with one, and we had two handhelds                  tor was a tactical error
as backups. Also as long as you are                 on our part. Once we
close enough to shore, there are gener-             cleared the Saginaw Bay
ally landmarks along the way that help              we opted to go further out
you to know where you are at any given              in the lake searching for
time. We also had printed charts on                 bigger winds. This error
board that could be used in the event               took us further into the
that we had issues with the electronic              lake than intended and
navigation systems.                                 added many miles onto
	 Sailing strategy is actually                      our course. In retrospect
quite simple in theory. You want to get             I think that keeping the    Resting in Mackinac Harbor before
to a specific location in the shortest dis-
tance possible. However being powered               course as short as pos-                  the voyage back home
by the wind, it does indeed add a level of          sible is critical. Going
complexity to the strategy. It is also im-          out of your way to get an
portant to know that the winds are often            extra knot or two in speed
changing in speed and direction along               just does not pay off. Certainly a valu- and comfortable sail for the people on
the way. The boat is equipped with a                able lesson learned, at least for me.    board. Occasionally we may take a lon-
wind indicator, so we always knew the               	 We arrived at Mackinac Island ger voyage to places like Sarnia (about
                                                    at 9:28 a.m. Tuesday, but there was one four hours) or Bayfield, Canada (about
                                          speed     boat behind us by about five hours. It 8 hours). However, if wind directions
                                          and       was a boat from the double handed are not favorable for the direction I
                                          direc-    class that had run into many problems need to go, I have no problem whatso-
                                          tion      along the way, but were stiffing it out ever firing up my engine and motoring
                                          of the    (like we did), and was going to finish a straight line toward my destination.
                                          wind.     the race. The awards ceremony was Also as a cruiser I go to great lengths to
                                          Ty p i -  from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, and avoid danger,
                                          cally     the last award that they present is the
                                          what      Pickle Boat Award. The award was ac- CONTINUED ON PAGE 43 ...
                                                    tually presented to this boat behind us

                           The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein. Page 40
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