Page 43 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 43

Everything for your trailer ...

                   The Grand Hotel on                            THraiitlcehreRs,epPaairrts&, &InsAucrcaenscseorWieosrk
                      Mackinac Island
                                                                 • AXLES   • FENDERS • LIGHTS  • TIE DOWNS
The Pickle Boat
.....Continued from page 40 ....if I were to see a               • BRAKES • SPRINGS • ROLLERS • U-BOLTS

thunderstorm approaching I would bring in my sails and           • WIRING  • BEARINGS • TIRES  • COUPLERS
try to motor safely to my destination. I always tell people
the reason I bought a sailboat was to avoid stress, not cre-     586-771-9499 / 586-77HITCH
ate more stress in my life!
	 On the other hand racers are on a mission. They                
have a finish line to cross as quickly as possible, and motor-
ing is not an option. They tend to push their boats to the       24953 Harper/Just S. of 10 Mile, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
limit to accomplish their goals, and are ready, willing, and
able to head straight into a storm or other difficult condi-        Marine VHF Radio Channels
tions to reach the finish line as soon as possible. Needless
to say that racing has the opportunity to cause much more        The chart below provides a portion of the FCC
stress than a typical cruising sailor is going to encounter.                rules for Recreational Boaters
	 I still do not consider myself a racer, and probably
never will. However I wanted to experience a longer race             Distress, safety calling 16
like the Port Huron to Mackinac to improve my sailing
skills and experience. I for one am not ashamed or em-               Safety (ship/ship only) 6
barrassed to accept the Pickle Boat Award, and actually
consider the circumstances to be quite amusing! I look                      Recreational Use 9, 68-69, 71-72, 78
forward to racing again on Rhumb Runner next year in
the Port Huron to Mackinac Race, and already have one                        Marine Operator 24-28, 84-87
clear goal; that is NOT to win the Pickle Boat Award!
	 One more thing about myself. Even though I am a                   Canals, Pilots, Bridges 13
lifelong resident of Michigan, I have never been to Macki-
nac Island, so this was my first trip there ever to the island!    Digital Selective Calling 70
My wife met me on the island and we stayed a few days,
making a vacation out of it. We had a wonderful time on          Weather (Receiving only) Wx-1 162.55;
the island and given how I got there; do not believe this is                                         Wx-2 162.4;
a trip I will soon forget!                                                                           Wx-3 162.475

        Ice Fishermen on Anchor Bay                                    Looking for houses with dockage
                                                                                for weekly rentals.

                                                                 Check out & rent that
                                                                      empty house during the summer!!!

                                                                 Call Kim Darrah 586-202-3100 or email me

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