Page 41 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 41

"A full service, safe, secure harbor with

Emerald Cityeasy access to Lake St. Clair"
                                             586-771-4644                        Summer Dockage - Over 500 Wells
                                                                                      ▪ Covered wells available ▪
                                             ·Engine & Outdrive Service·                  Year round security
                                              · Equipment Installation ·
                                             ·Complete Winterizing Service·  ▪Electric & Water / Bathhouses & Showers▪
                                                                                         Gazebo, Picnic Areas
                                                 · Shrink Wrapping ·
                                             ·Bottom epoxy & painting·            ▪ Harbor Promos & Fun Events ▪
                                                                                  Winter Storage: Heated Indoor &
                                                · Fiberglass Repairs ·
                                                                                      Covered and Open Outdoor

                                                                                            Visit our Showroom

                                             Mark's Fuel Dock

                                             Gas Open 7 Days


586-772-4200                                 Pump Out
                                                 Convenience Store

On the Famous Nautical Mile                  586-445-8525

24200 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Continued from Page 29 - Review of           place a call to the TRC in order to obtain     da.
Canadian Border Crossing for                 CBSA clearance.                                      If a verification or examination is to
Boaters / Fishermen ...
                                                 Should the TRC's 1-888 service not be      be conducted, the BSO at the TRC will ad-
All other private boaters, including those   available, operators must call the nearest     vise the owner/operator to proceed to the
without cellular telephones, must proceed    TRC directly. Long distance charges may        closest reporting site and to ensure that all
directly to a designated marine telephone    apply. Windsor	 519-967-4320                   goods and passengers remain onboard until
reporting site and place a call to the TRC                                                  the verification team arrives. A report num-
in order to obtain CBSA clearance. This in-      When pleasure craft operators call the     ber will be provided by a BSO following
cludes all vessels carrying foreign nation-  TRC, they will be required to answer a few     the verification process. Owners/operators
als (other than U.S. citizens or permanent   questions regarding their trip, passengers     should keep their report number available
residents). Calling the Telephone Re-        onboard the vessel, and their declarations.    during their entire stay in Canada.
porting Centre                               It is the responsibility of the owner/opera-
                                             tor to ensure all those onboard have proper                   Failure to Report
   Upon entering Canadian waters, private    identification. After recording the informa-        Failure to report may result in deten-
boaters who qualify can present themselves   tion provided, the border services officer     tion, seizure or forfeiture of the vessel and/
to the CBSA by calling the Telephone Re-     (BSO) at the TRC will make a decision on       or monetary penalties. The minimum fine
porting Centre (TRC) at 1-888-226-7277.      whether a verification or examination is re-   for failing to report to the CBSA upon entry
As noted above, all other private boaters,   quired or not. If no examination is neces-     to Canada is C$1,000.
including vessels carrying foreign nation-   sary, the officer at the TRC will provide a        Following enforcement action, all per-
als (other than U.S. citizens or permanent   report number to the owner/operator. The       sons have the right to appeal the penalty.
residents), must proceed directly to a des-  receipt of this report number will constitute  ....... Continued on page 46
ignated marine telephone reporting site and  release and approval for entry into Cana-

Cockpit of offshore race boat....notice the escape hatch in the floor if the boat should flip.
       The velcro tabs are pulled as they finish each lap to know where they're at.....

The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein. Page 41
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