Page 17 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 17

L i g h t n i n g distance. I told him Randy's                            ROSE MARINE SERVICE
                                         story and he said his dad had
                                                                         Boat & Engine Sales / Advanced Certified Service Center
likes fishing lightning strike next to his boat
                                         and his wedding ring was fused
                              onto the steering wheel.
rod                                     There are MANY sto-

... and after doing some re- ries just like this on the inter-

search, this hap-    Fishing rod struck by lightning
pens a lot! Randy

Shoemaker vis-

ited us last spring

to bass fish Lake

St. Clair. Com-

ing in from fish-

ing, he told me

he cast his line

out, and his line                                                        Professional service with family
                                                                         values for over 40 years
instead of sink-

ing, hovered over the water. net! According to NOAA, the

He reached down and touched most frequent outdoor activ-                                      LAKOEUSTTB.OCALRADIRD'SELAALRERGEST
                                                                                                    SERVICE CENTER
the boat and got a shock. Cast- ity where people are killed by

ing again, and when it hap- lightning is fishing.

pened again, he put his pole  A general rule of

away for the day and headed thumb is that lightning can                                    Bulk Oil
                                                                                        Marine Parts
back to shore.                strike up to 10 miles away from                           Trailer Sales

                              a storm center, but is most like-

Randy from Kalamazoo in May   ly to strike within 6 miles.                                                 586-716-9600
                              Generally, 5 miles is about
luckily                       the limit that you can                     7321 Dyke Road (M29), Clay Township, MI 48001
recognized                    HEAR thunder so watch
the signs                     for distant lighting.                      Located on the                    Fishing/Hunting
of lighting                                                              South Channel                         Licenses
ready to                           Levitating line, get-                 of Harsen's Island,
strike him                    ting a shock, buzzing and
                              crackling rods, (I've heard

                              our antenna crackling                      the downtown's

                              with a storm approach-                     San Souci Market

                              ing) and your hair standing                offers fresh & unique

                              on end..... put away your

     I had another fisher- poles, take them out of the rod               take out food

man here from Indiana who holders and put them on the                    with our own

was contemplating driving to floor to help minimize your                 "Carry Out Boat Dock"

the launch ramp with a thun- danger.... and get off the water.

derstorm approaching in the

Christian & Dillon from Ohio, fishing with grandpa in June

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                                                                          810-748-9961Check out our daily special at


                                                                         3060 South Channel Drive - Harsens Island

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