Page 54 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 54

BIGFISH Charter Services                                    also in their own meet-   Attention Muskie Hunters...
                                                                  ing, and after we were
Spring Salmon - Lower Lake Huron - April/May                      all together, a random    Don't forget to pick up the free Muskie tag
                     Two Time Tournament Winner                   drawing was held to       where you purchase your fishing license.
                                                                  pair up a marshall        "If an angler leaves a lake with a muskel-
Musky - Lake St. Clair - June/Nov - Catch & Release Only          with a fisherman for      lunge in their boat or the fish dies while in
                     Best Musky Lake Anywhere                     day 1… then we had a
                                                                  great dinner provided                                   the angler's care,
Sturgeon - St. Clair River - Aug/Nov - Catch & Release Only       by Carhartt and were                                    then they will
                     Catch Biggest Great Lakes Fish

  Clean,                                                          able to socialize with                     need to use their
Safe, Fast                                                        the pros.                                  Muskellunge
31' Tiara                                                                                                    Harvest Tag and
                                                                       DAY 1 of                              it will fulfill their
  Open                                                              Tournament                               one fish per sea-

                                                                          We have a cot-                     son possession
                                                                  tage rental on our prop-
810-580-9252 - erty on Lake St. Clair
                                                                  where we hosted 3 of                       limit."
                Capt.Tom Loy - Algonac, MI                        the fishermen, two of

Continued from page 50.... Marshalling                            which were in the top
                                              10 in the country…. John Crews, Ish Mon- On Day 1, I was paired with Jason Christie,
a Bassmaster Tournament Cont.....             roe, and Fletcher Shryock. John and Ish who was 3rd in line for Bassmaster Rookie

Carhardtt Headquarters hosted the pros who had arrived on Sunday, were both very of the Year, winning a $100,000 Pro Elite
                                              friendly and offered to drive me to Lake St. Tournament recently and had previously
& marshalls                                   Clair Metropark each day. Up at 4:00 a.m. won the FLW Open Tournament on Lake
                                              and ready to leave the house at 4:45 a.m., St. Clair in 2012.
to a great                                    we arrived at Lake St. Clair Metropark and As we entered the lake, Jason immedi-
meal after the

meeting &                                     waited in line for the 99 boats to launch ately brought

                                              into the darkness.                            his boat to top
                                              There are 5 launch ramps. Everyone speed of what he
                                              launched then hovered or took a dock and said was 70mph.
                                              worked their gear while waiting for their The weather
                         pairings of the 1st  turn to move out. They released the boats that morning

                         day marshalls with in flights to ease the congestion and to stag- was a chance
                         their pro.           ger the return cut off time at the end of the of rain (which
                                              day. The boats had been assigned a number it didn’t), but
pros in any way… fishing, pointing out and a take off time and we quickly lined up was a 10-15mph
fish, or navigating. We could tell him the in the lagoon. Each boat was examined to wind which made it fairly rough on the way
time, or hand him his food/water…. But be sure their live well did not contain fish. out for a 21' boat. As the boat started hit-
that was it.                                  To save “5 whole minutes” of their allow- ting waves, it was obvious if I wanted to
All fish caught had to be hooked in the able 8.5 hours of fishing, boats proceeded remain inside the boat, I needed to locate
mouth (or were not a legal catch) and were through a small canal at the back of Lake a handle (I was told on DAY
to be verified by the marshall onboard…. St. Clair Metropark, where they had to re- 2, this is called the “Oh Shit”
No dead fish were allowed to be released move their front chair and the back light to handle). On occasion, the
into the lake, and a dead fish in the live well get under a small bridge.                   propeller would come out of
                                                                                            the water and the mo-
caused penalty points.                                                                      tor would roar.
We were told not to
let anyone bully us so                                                                       We arrived at a spot
there would be no in-                99 Boats launching then hovering for the               on the Canadian side
fractions of the rules…                      6:30 a.m. Tournament start                     of the shipping chan-
which I doubt would                                                                         nel in view of Gull
happen with the guys                                                                        Island. At 70+ mph, I
we met.                                                                                     would estimate we got
                                                                                            there in 10 minutes!
          The pros were                                                                     Cont. pg. 55...

Vacation House - North Channel                                    Made me curious with the Manatee on the flag...
                                                                  Did some online searching and found this boat
                Lake St. Clair
                                                                  came up from Marco Island, Florida

  Fish for                             5 Bedrooms!
  Muskie,                             5 Bathrooms!
Sturgeon,                            300 Foot Dock!
 Walleye,                             Large Yard &
Bass, Pike                           Family Friendly

Photos, details, & rates @ / Phone: 317-507-1853

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