Page 56 - 2014 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 56

BoLFaaukirveHiSeatrv. CeBnlaa,iMyr I  House For Rent                   Cont. from page                    Scott with the ROV
                                                                       52... aboard the
                                       Fishing & Kayaking
                                                                       vessel. If there
                                         Easy Access to Bouvier Bay,
                                         North Channel & The Flats     is a threat of an

                                                                       explosive device

586.549.0583                             Perch / Muskie / Sturgeon     under water, the
                                      Pike / Small & Large Mouth Bass
                                                                       ROV is the main

                                                                       equipment used

* Weekly (3 Day Min.)                                  Boat            to keep the divers

* BBQ , Firepit & More                                 Rentals         out of the water

* DNR Launch Across Street                             Pontoons        for safety, how-

* Clean Remodeled House                                Kayaks          ever, divers may
* Lodging for Six with Boat Trailers                   Canoes
                                                                       be used when the / 586.549.0583                                    situation warrants. They have used the ROV to inspect freight-

                                                                       ers and seawalls along the river around our local power plants....

Cont. from pg. 55 Marshalling a Bassmaster             most of the time. What was amazing to me           no explosives have been found
                                                       was you would be the first one to a spot, and      to date.
Tournament I also met a guy in his 30’s from           then other pros would come right up and fish
                                                       next to you… it’s such a big lake, but the grass             Underwater river vis-
Being only one minute late            San Diego        is always greener as they say.                     ibility can be zero to 40 feet.
making it back at your "check         who was                                                             The visibility is usually better
in time" would be a critical and      sea sick                   Both Pros I marshalled were very         in the winter with plant growth
probable fatal mistake.               all day.         polite, friendly, and talked throughout the day.   receding. When there is no vis-
                                      He said          Once when John missed pulling in a pretty big      ibility the divers may only have
                                                       bass, I knew he wanted to swear, but he didn’t.    the ability to feel the bottom for
                                      his “OS”         I told him                                         a recovery to provide a sheriff
                                                       the loss                                           report.
                                      handle           was worth
                                                       a swear,                                                     Because of the constant
                                      broke out        but his re-                                        freighter traffic, they can’t an-
                                                       sponse was                                         chor in the middle of the river,
                                      and they         “It’s been                                         so they dive while drifting... or
                                                       a tough                                            for this practice day, they an-
                                      had to           year, I’ve                                         chored well off to the side. Our
                                                       used up all                                        vessel had a loud speaker on the
                                      stop at a        the swear                                          boat where we could listen to the
                                                       words.”                                            freighter traffic. The freighters
                                      fuel dock
                                                                 Another thing I noted, this is a young
                                      and bolt         man’s game. Casting and reeling non stop,
                                                       you need to be an athlete to keep the pace.
                                      it back in.      A 20% more cast rate in one day between a
                                                       younger guy and an older guy I thought could
                                      Our third        certainly make the difference in these events.

                                      guest at my                Although it was an exciting two

                                      house was


                                      Shyrock… he

                                      said he trav-

                                      eled 175 miles

                                      round trip that

                                      day around

                                      Point Pelee in

                                      Lake Erie!

I was hesitant to Marshall Day 2 for
fear of being paired with a pro who planned to
fish Lake Erie. I was paired with John Rook,
and our house guest John Crews assured me
that John Rook had been practicing Lake St.
Clair, and not to worry.

DAY 2 – with John Rook                                 days, I scratched my name off for Day 3,           would announce when they were
                                                       which ended up being a beautiful day again.        entering the St. Clair River from
          Up again at 4am and to the beach for         Riding to Lake St. Clair Metropark to watch        Lake Huron. Our captain would
the launch in the dark waiting for the 6:30 a.m.       the weigh in on our 26’ Cobia CC that day          make sure the boat was posi-
sunrise….beautiful, but cool morning. John             was like riding in a Cadillac after the beating I  tioned in a safe area since the
                                                       had in such a small boat going so fast. Was it     divers are down for 30 minutes.
                                         Rook was an   worth it though? HECK YEAH!                        When you are underwater when
                                         easy day for                                                     a freighter goes by, Mike said it
                                         me. A calm                                                       sounds like when you’re at a gas
                                         clear day,                                                       station and someone has their
                                         we fished                                                        Continued on page 57....
                                         within view
                                         of Lake
                                         St. Clair

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