Page 43 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 43

Sing if your
                                                       that's our

 RV, Golf, & Marine Resort                            We were on a
                                                      late summer
  YOUR PLACE FOR SUMMER FUN                           cruise on my
  Over 50 lots available for daily,                   girlfriend's
  weekly, and monthly camping.                        Lyman with
                                                      friends and the
   519.728.2361 or 1-800-563-5940                     wind really
                                                      picked up, and                                the weather
                                                      started getting
 email:                       rough, and
                                                      our tiny ship


Cruising up the Middle Channel                                                         586-703-5288

was getting tossed... there have been a few times over the year's,                          I'm looking for houses with dockage
especially on trips across Lake Erie with waves coming over the                               for weekly rentals for fishermen.
bimini, when we broke out and sang the Gilligan's Island Theme
Song to break the tension. This past year, however, we had some                        Check out & rent that
trouble remembering all of it ... so here's a reminder to get your                           empty house during the summer!!!

mind off when you're a little scared in high seas...                                    Call Kim Darrah 586-202-3100 or email me
Just sit right back                         Here on Gilligan's Isle.
And you'll hear a tale                                                                   Marine VHF Radio Channels
A tale of a fateful trip,                    So this is the tale of our castaways,
That started from this tropic port,          They're here for a long long time.        The chart below provides a portion of the FCC
Aboard this tiny ship.                       They'll have to make the best of things,            rules for Recreational Boaters
The mate was a mighty sailin' man,           It's an uphill climb.
The Skipper brave and sure,                                                                Distress, safety calling 16
Five passengers set sail that day,           The first mate and his Skipper too
For a three hour tour,                       Will do their very best,                      Safety (ship/ship only) 6
A three hour tour.                           To make the others comf'terble
                                             In their tropic island nest.                         Recreational Use 9, 68-69, 71-72, 78

The weather started getting rough,           No phone, no lights, no motor car,                    Marine Operator 24-28, 84-87
The tiny ship was tossed.                    Not a single luxury
If not for the courage of the fearless crew  Like Robinson Crusoe                         Canals, Pilots, Bridges 13
The Minnow would be lost.                    It's primitive as can be.
The Minnow would be lost.                                                                Digital Selective Calling 70
The ship set ground on the shore             So join us here each week my friends,
Of this uncharted desert isle                You're sure to get a smile,               Weather (Receiving only) Wx-1 162.55;
With Gilligan, The Skipper too.              From seven stranded castaways                                                 Wx-2 162.4;
The millionaire, And his wife,               Here on Gilligan's Isle!                                                      Wx-3 162.475
The movie star,
The professor and Mary Ann,                              And, just in case...

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