Page 7 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 7

Open Daily at 3PM                            10
                                                          •Happy Hour 3-6pm Mon-Friday•
                                                          Moderate    Large
                                                            Prices   Portions

                                                          • RIBS                           • BURGERS

                                                          • ITALIAN                        • OYSTERS

                                                          • PIZZA                          • SEAFOOD

                                                          • STEAKS                         • PRIME RIB

                                                          • WALLEYE                        • PERCH

CDainsuinagl  KENO                                        • SALADS                         • CRAB CAKES

                                               Need a ride from your Harrison Twp. Marina?
                                                      Call for free Shuttle at 586-612-4454

29370 South River Road                                    586-465-6565

North of 16 Mile-West  of                      Jefferson             Clinton River GPS: N42 35.555 W82 48.951

Harrison Township                               

The WATER WARRIORS'                            	 Ann Plegue, Chairwoman and 20             trip from Mackinaw.
                                               year member of the Water Warriors, talked   	 Our group travels up to Macki-
 SUMMER QUESTS PART I                          to me about their last exciting waverunner  naw the weekend of the Monday morning
                                                                                           departure. Rides up north are coordinated
  Mackinaw City to Harsens                                                                 and the PWC’s are transported by trucking
Island on Wave Runners have
                                                                                           companies as their donation to SOMI. Be-
     raised $2.2 million for                                                                               fore booming all the PWC's
  Michigan Special Olympics                                                                                  off the trucks into the wa-
                                                                                                             ter by remote control, the
The Wertz Warrior Snowmobile Endur-                                                                          members do a “parade lap”
ance Riders began fund raising for Special                                                                   thru Mackinaw City sitting
Olympics Michigan (SOMI) 33 years ago.                                                                       on top of their crafts.	
10 years later, as they were waiting for the
snow to fall, they came up with the idea                                                                     	 Last year’s ride had 23
to do a summer endurance ride of PWC’s                                                                       riders ranging from 18 to
since there’s always water!                                                                                  70 years old, with 60 par-
Over the last 23 years, other summer                                                                         ticipants which included the
events have been added to help our 20,000                                                        support crew. Some people ride only
Special Olympics’ athletes in Michigan.                                                        a couple of days, some rider’s trade off,
There are over 20 different sports offered,                                                  but most ride the whole way.
and there is no cost to the athletes or their
families. The generosity and time com-                                                     	 Continued on page 8
mitments by both the Wertz and Water
Warriors have made a significant contribu-
tion to Special Olympics.
	 There are three different Water
Warrior Events to enjoy the water and at
the same time help the SOMI.... Waverun-
ner, power boat, and kayak....

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