Page 12 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 12

100 years
  ago, the


of 1913

was the


natural disaster ever to hit the Great Lakes. The storm killed

almost 250 people, destroyed 19 ships, and stranded 19 more. 12 lake

         freighters were lost.... 5 of them have still not yet been found.

The storm produced hurricane speed winds of over 70 mph, with gusts of

90 mph. The White Hurricane lasted for more

than 16 hours with average speeds of 60mph                    Ship & Crew Lost  The James Carruthers...
producing 35’ waves in Lake Huron. Besides                    Ship Stranded     529 feet long, 58' wide
the heavy winds, this early November storm                                      and 27' deep has never
produced two feet of snow and 5 foot drifts
up the thumb of Michigan to Cleveland.                                                                        been
 Horrific stories of dead sailors being washed
ashore during the days following the storm ...                                    with her crew of 22.

56 in all were recovered along the Canadian


$5 million in ships and cargo was lost

(about $100 million in today’s currency).

                                                               The Memory Motel from New York..... ??
                                                                    Anyone know anything about this

                                                               interesting vessel? It was moored off the
                                                              Detroit River next to the old BobLo boats...

                                                                      which have yet to be restored.

...watching this kid, I could see why this new toy is called

                    THE BARF BALL

                                    The ball spins constant-
                                    ly. Although there are
                                    two handles inside the
                                    ball to hang onto, I did
                                    see his legs coming out
                                    of the hole at the top a
few times! I saw this at West Marine for $599 if you
want some family fun.

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