Page 14 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 14

• INSIDE HEATED STORAGE •                                              couple we met at the B&B restores cars for a living and said most
     • INSIDE COLD STORAGE •                                              of the cars there had at least $100,000 into them... many close to
        • OUTSIDE STORAGE •                                               $200,000, and he said there were a few with $250,000 in restora-
                 • REPAIRS •                                              tions! Then I understood when we overheard a participant over
              • BOAT WELLS •                                              a beer complaining about people touching his car, and not being
                                                                          able to get the oil from
  Phone: 810.748.3330                                                     their finger prints off!
      Fax: 810.748.3800
                                                                             The main street of
Email:                                            the car show, which
                                                                          is 3-9pm Friday, was
                       Bob & Susan Bryson                                 lined with 1000’s of
                    3272 South Channel Drive                              admiring spectators.
                   7650 South Channel Drive                               Walking down the
                                                                          street there were plenty
                        Harsens Island, MI                                of stops for beverages
                                                                          and food, with two locations serving adult beverages with live
                                            Have you visited              bands outside.
                                            Belle River
                                            Ontario yet?                     After the car show was over, a nice perch dinner was enjoyed,
                                                                          the best my husband said he ever had, and then back to the
                                            By boat it’s not very far...
                                                                                                                       marina to the festival tent
                                            at the southern end of                                                     to see the sunset, with live
                                                                                                                       music overlooking Lake St.
                                            Lake St. Clair, in sight                                                   Clair.

                                            of the 9 Mile tower in St.                                                 Saturday morning, after in-
                                                                                                                       teresting conversation with
         dmyooynuc''traelrenuanankleoesnds  Clair Shores. The friendly                                                 the Canadian guests, and
                                            marina attendants are gra-                                                 after having a beautiful eggs
                                            cious hosts, and we had                                                    benedict breakfast prepared
                                                                                                                       by our hosts at the B&B,
                                            a great time at the annual    we stepped outside at 10am to watch the Sunsplash Parade... if
                                                                          you’re bringing kids, bring a bag. Most everyone participating in
                                            Sunsplash                     the parade tossed candy, and there was
                                                                          lots of it.
Festival last July. No sleeping cabin in your boat?                          On the way back to the marina,
                                                                          passing through many vendors selling a
Too many guests with you? No problem....we                                variety of items, we went to the beach
                                                                          where the Canadian Watercross Racing
boated there from Fair Haven and stayed at a cute                         had begun. (Friday afternoon all these
                                                                          guys were out doing their own hot rod-
B&B right on the main street!                                             ding for our enjoyment).
                                                                                                      Bringing chil-
We were told to expect 600-700 classic cars the                                                    dren? A very child
                                                                                                   friendly atmo-
Friday night of Sunsplash... one of the guests at our                                              sphere. Right next
                                                                                                   to the marina is a
B&B came with his ’66 Mustang and heard 1000                                                       huge park with a new playground, a full car-
                                                                                                   nival for the Sunsplash event, and on Friday
cars were registered. Whether it was a 1000 or 600, there were                                     night there was a teen dance from 7-10pm.
                                                                             The marina is protected from Lake St. Clair, has nice new
enough cars over many many blocks to look at for hours. The               wide floating docks, and deep water for big boats. Cont. pg. 15

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