Page 19 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 19
NO, not this year as you It's pretty cool to have a plane tie off your boat....
would have thought.
"Skipping" the normal
every other year, the next
show will not be until Au-
gust 30, 2014 because of "operational mission
requirements." But the good news, the U.S.
Navy Blue Angels will be performing for us!
The FLOAT PLANE and built 6 ... this being Pilot Ren Sagaert
one of them. It is a Mur-
You may have seen this phy Rebel on floats. When
plane a few times flying it was first completed, the
over the bays and landing FAA required that he change
in Goose Bay. the markings on the aircraft
because it looked too much
The pilot is Ren Sagaert like a Coast Guard rescue
who has several aircraft rat- plane... I wondered what
ings including Commercial he changed???
Instrument Land and Sea,
Commercial Balloon, and He is a jovial guy with a
CFI. good sense of humor. The
plane has no official capac-
Over the years, Ren has ity... although it appears
owned a variety of planes,
it would. When asked
about the "Patrol" and the
remarkable resemblance
of Coast Guard colors, he
just asked, "What can I
patrol for you?"
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