Page 22 - 2013 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 22

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The Marine Sheriff's Update                    fatalities, Sergeant Berg said the
                                               majority of these happen while
  I visited with Sergeant Don Berg of the      boats are anchored, swimming
St. Clair County Sheriff Marine Division       and diving accidents, and sadly
to get a better understanding of what these    a lot could have been avoided
guys and gals do... and, they do a lot more    because were caused from drink-
than drive around in their cool boats.         ing too much... Like a young man
                                               who drowned in only 2' of water
  To start with the things you expect they     while walking then fell in Mus-
do, keeping boaters safe does take a lot of    camoot and didn't get up during
their time. Unfortunately, there were eight    the Raft Off.
water related fatalities in 2012, up from the
year before. With "boat” related (not PWC)        I would have thought Jobbie

   Biggest Ticket Area for Boaters....                       Nooner to             and their inability to reach someone in
                                                             have the most         distress quickly. Most problems occur in
   “Tickets can be handed out all day on the Middle          accidents,            Muscamoot Bay. One of the biggest re-
Channel on the stretch in front of Brown’s Restaurant”,      however, the          sponses each year are for assaults... basi-
says Sergeant Berg. There is a mile or so of waterway        Raft Off has          cally boaters getting mad and beating each
                                                             now surpassed         other up. Another incident this past year,
  that requires boats 26’ and over to have “no wake.”        this event due        maybe partly due to the low water level...
                                                             to the difficul-      Sergeant Berg was idling near the entrance
26’ and under can maintain their speed, but they have to     ty the Sheriff        of Muscamoot Bay one Saturday, when a
  be 200 feet from the shoreline... and this area is fairly  has assisting         "go fast" boat came quickly into the bay, probably best for everyone to do a no wake      boater's in           was probably trying to show off, made too
                                                             peril because         sharp of a turn, probably hit bottom, and
                if there is a lot of boat traffic.”          of the boats all      all the passengers were ejected from the
  See the “No Wake Zone” charts to review on page 9.         tied together         boat. Luckily, he was close by to assist and
                                                                                   no one was killed. Continued on Page 52

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