Page 24 - 2009 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 24

Fuel, Party Stores on the Water, Bait & Marine Supplies                                             See previous
                                                                                                    page for Lake

                                                                                                       St. Clair

  See Map          Location      Latitude  Longitude    Gas - G    Food - F                      Bait - B     See Page
 Page 4 for                      42 97.36   82 42.18   Diesel - D  Beer - B                      Marine        “X” for
   Vicinity         Desmond      42 58.50             Pumpout - P  Wine - W                   Supplies - M  More Details
                     Marine      42 49.12
St. Clair River    Sarnia Bay    42 36.60                G, D, P                                   Wi-Fi       Page 28
  Port Huron         Marina      42 36.92
                 St. Clair Boat  42 21.40  82 24.41   G, D, P            F                     M            Back Cover
St. Clair River      Harbor      42 14.14  82 29.05   G, D, P                                 B, M            Page 22
     Sarnia      Algonac Boat                                      B,W via shuttle
St. Clair River  Sunset Harbor             82 32.94   G, D, P                        F                      Page 6
   St. Clair
                 Len’s @Keans              82 33.84   G, P                           F        M 38
North Channel       Mitzie’s
   Algonac                                 82 58.25   G, D, P                        F, B, W  B, M          Page 22
                                           83 08.41    G, P                          F, B, W   M            Page 46
North Channel

Detroit River

Detroit River
Ecorse Channel

 Can you spot the signs                   booths) can damage skin cells, causing     a 30 year old landscaper who passed
       of melanoma?                       the cells to grow abnormally. Melanin,     away a couple years ago from mela-
                                          the pigment that gives skin its color,     noma of the eye).
A good friend of mine is a blond (for     protects the skin from damage by sun-
real) blue eyed sun-goddess. She re-      light and UV rays. In fair-skinned peo-    Moles that must be checked
cently found out she had melanoma         ple, the skin cells called melanocytes     out immediately - There are defi-
and ended up at U of M Hospital.          make less melanin, so there is less pro-   nite signs that a mole is suspicious and
She's fine now, but when doctors were      tection against the harmful rays from      should be seen by a doctor.
discussing chemotherapy with her, a       the sun. Although fair-skinned people
little mole that was                                                                       You should go to the doctor
ignored certainly be-                                        have a higher risk for       immediately if your mole is:
came a pretty big deal.                                      melanoma and other      Getting bigger .....
                                                             types of skin cancer,   Changing shape, particularly getting
Because we are all                                           darker skinned people   an irregular edge ....
boaters and get plenty                                       get melanoma too.       Is larger than a pencil eraser ...
of sun, here's a quick                                                               Changing color – getting darker,
reminder of what you                                       Where you might           becoming patchy or multi-shaded...
should be looking for.                                     get melanoma -            Itching or painful ....
You don't have to get burned to increase                     Melanomas in men        Bleeding or becoming crusty .....
your risk of skin cancer. Sun damage      are most common on the back. In            Looking inflamed
is incremental and accumulates over a     women, the most common is the legs.
lifetime. Don't think throwing a shirt    (Another reason to watch your friend's     Research suggests that moles with
on will help you. The average white T-    back).                                     3 or more different shades of brown
shirt has a sun protection factor (SPF)                                              or black are particularly likely to be
of only 4 to 6!                           Melanoma of the eye - Rarely,              melanoma. If you're still not sure, you
                                          melanoma can start in the eye. If the      can look on the internet at photos of a
The main cause of melanoma                melanoma is growing in the iris (the       variety of melanoma to compare. The
is too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation    colored part around the pupil), you        photos are pretty disgusting to look at,
reaching the skin. UV rays from the       may be able to see a dark spot. If it is   so if you have something that looks
sun, especially from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.    growing inside the eye, there will be      pretty bad, please get it checked im-
and other sources (such as tanning        not be any outward sign. But you may       mediately.
                                          have blurred vision. (I also know of

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