Page 25 - 2009 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 25

Would you like to have that                      bcurtotwShroder!ery's, a
      trophy fish mounted?

If you are going to keep the fish (versus having it
reproduced), then here is what you need to do to
preserve it for your local taxidermist.

1. Keep the fish away from other fish in the
          cooler. Touching other fish may cause
          your fish to discolor or fade.

2. Don't gut it.
3. Wrap the whole fish in a wet towel and put

          into a plastic bag.
4. You can freeze the fish like this for up

          to 1 year.
5. Take to your local taxidermist.

According to my local guy, it takes about 8 - 10     Do you have any fun boating photos
months to have your fish mounted.                    you'd like to share with everyone who

The word "taxidermy" is derived from two ancient         reads the Lake St. Clair Guide?
Greek words: Taxis, meaning movement; and der-
ma, meaning skin.                                               Please feel free to send them to
Therefore, loosely                                and we'll do
translated, taxi-                                         our best to get them in next year's Guide.
dermy means the
movement of skin.

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