Page 39 - 2009 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 39
about was getting caught with U.S. Deerbrook Marina, Mitchell’s Bay 1. The vessel has permanent sleeping
worms. This was a little more dif- Marina sells worms. Please check facilities.
ficult to research for fishing, since it page 23 for their locations. Again, 2. The vessel has permanent cooking
actually falls under the Ontario Agri- don’t forget to keep your receipt. facilities.
3. The vessel has a permanent toilet.
culture rules. Calling In To Customs 4. The vessel is anchored or secured
Coming from alongside a dock.
the U.S., we You don’t need to call customs if
are not al- you: Need a Fishing License
lowed to transport any soil into Can- · Do not drop anchor for Canada?
ada. This includes the dirt worms are · Do not pull up to another boat
sold in. The best information I could · Do not step on Canadian land. You can purchase fishing & hunting
find, if you really wanted to take the licenses when buying your bait at
chance, is to put the worms in “Worm Are you going to have a beer? Deerbrook Marina and walking dis-
Bedding” which is typically made up tance from Mitchell’s Bay Marina.
from shredded cardboard and paper According to the Marine Safety Visi- Non-resident fishing licences are also
that is moistened. Night crawlers tors Information of Canada (www. available through the mail by calling
raised in dirt and transferred to worm on the Consumption of Al- the Ontario Ministry of Natural Re-
bedding will excrete dirt for up to 15 cohol..... sources at 1-800-667-1940.
days and border officers will confis- In most provinc-
cate the night crawlers if only a spec es, alcohol may If you need more details on fishing
of dirt is noticeable. be consumed on regulations for the Canadian side of
board the plea- Lake St. Clair, St. Clair & Detroit
So, unless you’re going to rebed your sure craft only if Rivers, please check at:
worms for a couple of weeks to get it meets all of the
them dirt free, you might just want to following conditions:
buy them in Canada also. Along with
Are you the Waiver, front of the boat, waiting for the We aren’t the only ones who do
or the Waivee? wave and then they do wave..... this. We boat frequently in Florida,
not knowing the people in the back and it’s the same way... maybe
When you’re passing closely by of your boat waved first, so then because there are so many people
another boat, sometimes it’s like a there’s a multiple wave off? there from the midwest? We also
western shoot out.... who’s have a boating friend from Ger-
going make the first move
to pull the hand out of the many. I asked him
holster and wave first? about this friendly
act, and the Euro-
Do you ever pretend to look peans all wave at
the other way, just because each other too while
you feel embarrassed about boating.
being so friendly to people
you don’t know? Then, I guess the freedom
once everyone waves and boating provides
smiles, you think, that was also allows us to free
no big deal. ourselves from any of
the bad things going
Have you ever ridden in the on around the world
at that moment. Have
fun & keep waving!
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