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We are a family owned, non-medical home care company. We are licensed, bonded, and insured.

                                                                           31275 Fraser Drive
                                                                               Fraser, MI 48026

In addition to offering the traditional, non-medical home
care services, the Pure Team offers resources for many
other aspects which accompany the need of home care.

Services Include:
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· Bathing Assistance · Recreational Activities · Transportation

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· Respite Care  · Medication Reminders · Referral Services       Dale Eltringham, CSA

                · And Much More                                  Lisa Eltringham, CSA

                Huh? I might not lose     who usually experience in-                              hours after the workout. Why? Because
                 weight swimming??        creases in body temperature                             when you are in the pool you don't heat
                                          during the training sessions.                           up as much as you do on land, and your
                                          Because of this, a swimmer                              body does not have to work to cool you
                                                                                                  down as much once you are done work-
                                          tends to eat a large meal or                            ing out. Swimming is great for general
                                                                                                  fitness, it just may not be a great way to
                                          drink a sugar laden drink                               drop excess pounds.

                                          after they swim. So, when

                                          they eat more, they may

                                          not lose


	 Many have taken up swim-                             Research-
ming as an exercise to lose weight. The                ers believe
buoyancy provided by the water makes      that your "body tem-
exercising easier if you have joint or    perature" might in-
balance problems, and, swimming is a      fluence post-exercise
good cardiovascular exercise for hearts   appetite. Running or
and lungs.                                cycling may use about
	 Unfortunately, many research-           the same amount of
ers now claim swimming may make           calories per hour as
people gain weight without a con-         swimming, but once
trolled diet. According to University of  you stop exercising,
Florida research, swimmers, who swim      the land-based workout
in cool temperature water, feel more      usually leads to contin-
hungry compared to runners or cyclists    ued increase in calorie
                                          use for as long as 18

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