Page 10 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 10

ing boat and aircraft navigation

  Have you wondered what this                   from 1925 until 1937, when
  tower is while boating on the
  North Channel?                                the light was extinguished due

                                                to its high operating costs.

                                                		             Also, an inter-

                                                esting note about the Colony

                                                Tower's searchlight.... Many

                                                times someone with a rifle took

                                                shots to put out the revolving

                                                light at night during prohibi-

                                                tion when rum runners were

                                                trying to cross the channels.

This Michigan Historic Structure is located     Fireworks Along the Water
on M29, along the North Channel off Lake
St. Clair near Algonac.                         New Baltimore    Belle Maer &
	 The Colony Tower was built in                     June 24    MacRay Harbor
1925 by the Chicago Bridge and Iron                            July 4...see pg. 40
Works. This steel-framed tower was the                         Algonac
main water supplier for "The Colony on the      Port Huron,     July 3         Grosse Pointe
Ste. Claire"; a secluded residential commu-                                      July 3; must
nity established in Clay Township in the        Vantage Point   St. Clair
early 1920s. The Colony Tower marked the                                           view by boat if a
entrance to the Will St. John estate, home        June 26      July 4
of the real estate developer who founded                                              non-resident
The Colony subdivision.
	 The 136-foot tower once housed a              Mount Clemens  Detroit-Windsor
60,000-gallon water tank. Constructed with            July 2
curtain walls and steel plates to resemble a
lighthouse, it demonstrates the early twen-
tieth-century penchant for disguising the
utilitarian functions of highly visible struc-
tures. A light shone from atop the tower, aid-
  One of my favorite
    photos from the
  past 10 years is one
  of the many storms
   that roll over the
  lake, catching a lot
     of us off guard.
   This was taken as
      the storm was
    covering Anchor
  Bay and approach-
  ing Bouvier Bay in
        Fair Haven.

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