Page 6 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 6
1999 Pointe Tremble Road
PO Box 438 - Algonac, MI 48001
• SoInevsaeisrdonenigahhletwagteeuldel srwteindntotacelksra& ge • Beautiful landscaping &
• picnic areas
•••• • •• • sORTHHtFd2MeuioEaFeueko4strltaraliaecstalirtheaitkBcegidseeuvonteaneewddreurerdriarircvwPlKtsnyy,iohsuiictdneosw&peBoadctlpe/etenuiegSlelereayrlxpslirsPlpsiat&i/ttyoet&Weo&eorcriid&laaTen ingVnee evcs &aee sldw sattaefrf
Phone: • Well maintained
810.794.4448 bathhouses
• Lighted & indoor
• Game Room/ Roller Rink
• Special organized
• Outdoor recreational
• Basketball/ Volleyball/
• Laundry facilities
• Pump out facilities
A hello and big thank you ditional" 10 10th SAt.nCnilvaeirrsGaruyidoef!
from Kim Darrah, the Lake St. year anniver- Lake
Clair Guide! This issue is the sary gift is tin
10th! anniversary edition. or aluminum.
I've been boating & fish- The "mod-
ing since a kid; and have always ern" 10 year
enjoyed planning activities and anniversary
events to bring our friends togeth- gift is diamonds... 1-October 31 for the last 10 years
er on our boats...which is how the
magazine got started in 2000. I Since weather is probably and tried to make some sense of
hope you've had fun reading the the biggest thing us boaters worry them to see what's been happen-
Guide over the last 10 years, and about, I did a lot of research for ing. Have fun reading, and enjoy
I hope I can continue to help you this issue on what has happened the 2010 boating season!
plan to enjoy the water more in over the last 10 years with our
the future. weather, you know with global
FYI - For those who are warming and all. I downloaded Check out the new "Virtual"
I'm sure now wondering...the "tra- 1,500 dates of temperatures for magazine in full color now
online at
our boating seasons from May
TRY SOMEPLACE NEW you can plan a weekend boating secluded and bring your kayak or
THIS YEAR.....Take a trip this activity with you and your boat- dingy and enjoy nature.
year to one of our many local ma- ing friends and family. Check out Our marinas are a great re-
rinas listed in the back pages of the fireworks schedule on page source, and the dock masters
the Guide. 10, the festivals listed on page 34, at these locations want to make
or for the heck of it, just try out a your stay a success. Your boat's
You don't have to go very far to new city and visit the local res- a great cottage to hang out at, but
have a great time on your boat. taurants. Or try something more it's still a boat...go enjoy a new
There are many events listed spot for a weekend adventure.
on the calendar page 30 where
The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein. Page 06