Page 4 - eMuse Vol.9 No.11
P. 4

badge has no motto.        to  is  “Paulatim”  (Latin  for
                                                                Chaplains are noncombatants   “little by little”)
                                                                and do not carry arms .  They
                                                                are the only officers who do
                                                                not carry swords on parade.

         An on-going series of words and phrases no longer
         in use or shifted in meaning.

         RADAR: an acronym from “Ra-  were  absorbed  by  armour                            Royal Australian Army
           dio Detection and Ranging.”  who  uphold  the  traditions                           Ordnance Corps
                                     of horse soldiers.  Soldiers of                     RAAOC:  The Royal Australian
         RAP:   Regimental  Aid  Post.   these units  are nicknamed                        Army Ordnance Corps is the
           (Medical .)                                                                     Corps  concerned  with  ad-
                                     “Black hats” after the colour   Royal Australian Army
                                     of  their  berets.    The  slouch   Dental Corps      ministration  and  supply,  as
         R&R:  Rest  and  Recreation.    hat  worn  by  other  corps   RAADC:  Royal Australian Army   well  as  the  demolition  and
           Terminology hardly used by                                                      disposal  of  explosives  and
           Australian  troops prior  to   are  not  practical  in  tanks   Dental  Corps.    Originally   salvage  of  battle-damaged
                                     and  other aroured vehicles .
                                                                part  of  the  Australian  Army
           the Viet Nam War.                                                               equipment .
                                     These diggers are also called   Medical  Corps,  the  RAADC
                                     “Turret heads’.            provides dental care to army   Rabbee:  The call of a Rabbito
                                                                personnel .                as he pushed his cart about
                                                                                           to sell rabbits .
                                                                                         Rabbit:  Fur  covered  “Tin
                                                                                           Hares”  used  as  decoys  for
                                                                                           dogs to chase in Greyhound
                                                                                           racing .
            Royal Australian Artillery                                                   Rabbit:  (Navy slang) a parcel
         RAA:    Royal  Regiment  of  Aus-                                                 taken  ashore.    Once  it  was
           tralian Artillery.  “Ubique” is                                                 often  a  reference  to  some-
           a battle honour which means                                                     thing  being  smuggled.    In
           “Everywhere”.    It  is  also  on                                               recent  times  perhaps  not
           the badge of the Royal Aus-   Christian Badge      RAAF:  The Royal Australian Air   quite  the  case?    The  refer-
           tralian Engineers.  In true in-                      Force  was  formed  in  March   ence  refers  to  the  ease  of
           ter-unit  rivalry  Artillerymen                      1921.  It is the aerial warfare   smuggling small items inside
           say  for  Engineers  it  trans-                      branch of the Australian De-  the  body  of  a  dead  rabbit.
           lates as “All over the place” .                      fence  Force  continuing  the   When someone takes a par-
           The motto “Quo Fas Et Glo-                           traditions  of  the  Australian   cel ashore,  the suspicious
           ria Ducunt” means “Whither                           Flying Corps (AFC), which was   will say “tuck its ears in”.
           right and glory lead” .  Other                       formed on 22 October 1912.  Rabbit, to run the:  To convey
           Corps  nickname  “Arty”  as                                                     liquor from a public house.
           “Nine Mile Snipers” .                           .
          .                               Jewish Badge                                   Rabbito:    One  who  sells  rab-
                                                                                           bits .
                                   RAACD:  Royal Australian Army
                                     Chaplains   Department.
                                     Army Chaplains are religious
                                     clergy who provide religious
                                     services to the army.  It is a
                                     Corps  which  has  no  other
                                     ranks  as  the  lowest  rank  is   Royal Australian Medical Corps
                                     captain.  These “padres” be-
                                     long to one of the Christian   RAAMC:    The  Royal  Austral-
         Royal Australian Armoured Corps  religions or the Jewish faith.    ian Army Medical Corps was
                                                                formed by an amalgamation
         RAAC:  Royal  Australian  Ar-  Christian  religions  usually   of all the colonial armies into
                                     represented  are  Catholics,
           moured  Corps.    As  motor-  Anglicans,  and,  Presbyteri-  the Australian  Army during   Australian Army Catering Corps
           ised vehicles replaced horse   ans .                 the Second Boer War .  Since   AACC:  Australian Army Cater-
           drawn  vehicles,  amoured                            then, it  has  served in  every   ing  Corps.    The  Corps    was
           units  around  the  world  re-    The  Christian  badge  bears   armed conflict involving Aus-  established  on  12 March
           placed  all  forms  of  cavalry.     the motto “In this sign con-  tralian  Troops.    Nicknamed   1943.
           In Australia, Light horse units   quer” on a cross.  The Jewish   “Linseed Lancers” their mot-
                                                                                           Today  the  Corps  is  well
        4                                                eMuse                                  November 2020
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