Page 7 - eMuse Vol.9 No.11
P. 7

If blokes just couldn’t go on, we shook hands with them,   their loads being redistributed amongst the survivors to carry.
        and said, you know, hope everything’s all right. But they knew   The Formosan and Korean guards were allegedly the worst
        what was going to happen. There was nothing you could do.   and took great delight in their tasks. The first PoW to die on
        You just had to keep yourself going. More or less survival of   the rice march had travelled barely half a mile along the route.
        the fittest.                                          One PoW committed suicide as he could not face returning
          Nelson Short:                                       to Ranau.
          “It was a one way trip when we started to hear shots, and   A detailed report on the whole history of the men who were
        you felt there was no hope for anyone who fell out.”  sent to Sandakan was written by Lt. Col. H. W. S. Jackson
          The following account summarises what is known of the   after the war:
        circumstances of the marches:                           The first P.O.Ws. began to fall out from the march after four
          On 28 January 1945, the first of 455 PoWs, in nine groups,   days which was near the Tankual Crossing, on the Maunad
        set off from Sandakan to march to Ranau on the 164-mile trek   River, a rest post about 40 miles from Sandakan and in a por-
        through the jungle and swamps. The emaciated prisoners, in   tion of the track that was knee deep, in mud.
        ragged clothes, many with bare feet  and the remainder in   The ones who fell out were kept under guard until the main
        disintegrating boots, suffering from malnutrition, disease and   party had disappeared from view and then they were shot and
        tropical sores, started out on the first of three marches that   their bodies thrown into the jungle, at the side of the track.
        became known as the Death Marches.                    The P.O.Ws. could hear the shots and so knew what would
          The PoWs carried all the food including that for the guards.   happen if they fell out.
        The route of the Death March, climbing up to 1,000 metres   “Fall Outs” would give away their personal belongings to
        in some places, was along jungle tracks some of which the   their mates when they realized they could no longer continue.
        prisoners had to hack through thick jungle. The route crossed   Those lucky enough to still possess leather boots would en-
        and re-crossed rivers which, as it was the monsoon season,   quire of foot sizes before giving them away and would pass
        were full in full flow.                               on messages of farewell for their mothers, wives and families.
          Humidity was extreme. There were no medical kits for the   N0.1 Party reached Ranau on the 12th of February 1945
        PoWs and drinking  water was direct from the streams, riv-  having lost thirteen of their men en route, a further two died
        ers, swamps or puddles. It was a case of march or die, which   on the day they reached Ranau. No. 2 Party reached Ranau
        developed into march to die. Any prisoner that stopped was   on the 15th. of February, No. 3 on the 16th., No. 4 on the 18th
        shot, bayoneted or clubbed to death; there were also occa-  and No. 5 on the 19th Nos 6, 7, 8 and 9 parties reached Pagi-
        sional strangulations.                                natan (26 miles west of Ranau) around the 20th of February,
          It was reported that there were instances of crucifixion and   where they rested, the original 195 had been reduced to 160.
        cases of  cannibalism  of  PoWs  –  the  prisoners being shot,   The 260 P.O.Ws. of parties Nos 1-5 had arrived at Ranau
        butchered and then eaten by the Japanese.             with only 150 survivors. Yamamoto realized that they would
          There were also stories of strips of flesh being cut from liv-  never survive the trip to Tuaran, over even more mountainous
        ing PoWs, the prisoners being regarded as “walking larders”,   country that they had already traversed.
        so that “fresh meat” could flavour the rice for the Formosan   After a month the 160 men who had reached Paginatan
        and Korean guards. There were local reports of two PoWs   had been reduced to 60 only 30 of whom were fit to continue
        who, having been killed by the Kempeitai, had their limbs re-  to Ranau. The death rate at Ranau was equally as high, the
        moved and the torsos taken down stream to a large Japanese   strain of the march seemed to cause a rapid deterioration to
        camp. The news of this atrocity travelled far and wide without   their health.
        alteration to the account.                              After  the war the jailers were tried for war crimes.   The
          The  local  Sabahans  also  explained  that  the  Japanese   commandant was hanged but most went back to japan and
        were short of food and were culling PoWs to boost their mea-  Korea to live out their lives in safety and comfort.
        gre rations. There were further instances  of cannibalism  of
        Kadazan, Dusan and Murut tribesmen by the Japanese.
          The first, and subsequent marches, were horrific beyond
        description,  undertaken  by undernourished  and sick men
        suffering  from  dehydration,  salt  deprivation,  and  dysentery,
        bloated by beriberi, meningitis, malaria and other jungle-relat-
        ed illnesses and sores. In many cases, bones could be seen
        through the suppurating fly-blown open wounds. Their bodies
        were quite simply rotting.
          Leeches, ticks, mosquitoes, fire ants, hornets and the cuts,
        stings and abrasions from the clinging undergrowth only add-
        ed to their parlous condition. Those too sick to undertake the
        march were either later massacred at Sandakan or were sent
        by ship to other PoW camps where most met a similar fate.
          Against all the odds, by mid-February 1945, some PoWs
        (all Australians) were still arriving at Ranau. Many had died
        en route, whilst others succumbed after they arrived. A mix
        of both Australian and British prisoners arrived at Paginan-  Three of the six survivors of the Sandakan Death March, Pte.
        tan, twenty-six miles short of Ranau, again many dying on the   Nelson Short, WO William Sticpewich and Pte Keith Botterill,
        way. Rice carrying details started out from Ranau to Paginan-  North Borneo, 1945.
        tan, a forced march of three days, carrying rice. Unencum-
        bered, the return took two days.                        Lest we forget.
          Parties of men each carried 44lb sacks of rice; anyone who
        failed to keep up was either shot or executed by other means,   They sacrificed their tomorrow for our today.
        November  2020                                   eMuse                                                7
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