Page 3 - Newsletter May 20172
P. 3



           Appr ecia tion

     “I am very happy with the care from this agency.  I would not ask for better care.”  W.F.

     “Home Health Care go above beyond with my care.  To me they are the best.  The help is so friendly and nice. They are the best!” C.M.
     “They feel like family.  I trust them very much” L.L.
     “I am thankful for all the help I get. Thank you.”  C.M.
     “All the nurses at Iowa Home Care are wonderful.””  C.A.

     “WE Love Everyone at Iowa Home Care.” no name
     “I am very satisified.” D.R.
     “Our caregivers, especially our nurses, are very understanding and caring.”

                                            Employees updating personal information

                                            By: Brianna Douglas and Harlene Hall, Payroll Team

                                            Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life and work things can slip through the cracks. It is
                                            very important to keep your employer informed of any updated personal information such
                                            as any address or phone number changes. By keeping Payroll and HR up to date we can
                                            ensure you receive all important information in a timely manner.

                                            We use your current address to mail out:
                                            Checks- When you terminate we mail your last checks to your home

                                            W2’s (tax forms)- at the end of the year
                                            401k- statements and important plan information

                                            All benefit insurance cards
                                            Explanation of benefits after you go to the doctor

                                            •  If you live in an apartment don’t forget to include your apartment number.
                                            •  You can stop and see your Manager, HR or contact Payroll at payroll@iowahomecare.
                                                com or 515-222-2285 to update your information.
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